Kyuhyun's testosterone levels (and mini pic-spam of my favorite Kyu pictures)

Ohmygosh, what am I doing with my life?

(usually I would set this as private, but NIKKI YOU HAVE TO SEE THIS. And everyone else who reads this... um... I can explain. I promise I don't usually spend all my free time looking up stuff like this. Okay, maybe I do.)


Okay, so first off, you need to watch this to fully understand what I'm going to talk about here.

110831 KBS Vitamin: Kyuhyun’s Testosterone levels are rank 1 out of all the guests at 927ng/dL while the average at his age is 705ng/dL, it has been affected by drinking alcohol often and exercising very little. In the end he ranked 2nd for ‘King of Male Vitality’ with Sungmin at #1.

from 莳潸海

Ohmygosh, Kyu. XD


And look at his face when he found out! Hahaha, he's so cute. 


Ohgosh, there are so many theories on exactly what high testosterone levels mean. These include what kind of girls he would be most attracted to (really feminine, apparently), and all sorts of... other stuff.

And I can tell you off the top of my head what I know some of the symptoms are.

- fast growth, especially in muscles, bones, and hair.

- ... stuff that I'm not going to go into much detail here. Yeah. o.O

- deeper voice (AHA! SO THAT'S WHY....)


But let's go with the medical facts here. After some googling, this is what I found:


Symptoms of High Testosterone Levels


  • - Improved well-being (reduction in depression and mild euphoria)

  • - Improved confidence (reduced social anxiety and greater assertiveness)

  • - Improved energy

  • - Improved motivation (greater ambition)

  • - Improved drive and response times (shorter refractory period)


(from here)


(from Wikipedia entry on testosterone)

... draw whatever conclusions you want from the information I've just shared with you. :D


And now, some pictures of Kyu to compensate for the time you wasted spent reading this. (I don't own any of these, credits go to whoever does.)

Okay, I should get to sleep now. (it's 2 AM, fml.) Goodnight, internet!~



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what the-- LOL
Thanks for the pics, Anj! /saves
*Mind is officially blown* O.O I knew it!!! >.<