Feeling lonely while liking Kpop/DBSK

Just a random post.. .


So yhh, I live in England, 15 years old, struggling in life to get good GCSE results... 
Sometimes I feel out of place yannoe. LIke, there arent people here who love Kpop or DBSk, and I basically know 0.000001% of these people. I wish I knew someone who shared the same interests, therefore, I wouldnt have to keep myself to myself all the time, its quite a pain actually. I try to talk to some of my friends about what I like, they respect it, (most of them atleast) but they actually dont really care, its plastered all over their face -.- its happened a couple of times so I've stopped doing it...I actually feel quite lonely towards it to be honest... Do you feel the same way towards this matter? Just wondering :)


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I know how you feel T^T I only have a friend in real life who's familiar with Shinee but not DBSK or the other groups, so I showed her a video of 'Mirotic' once and she seemed to like them I think ^^ In my area K-Pop is well-I don't know any K-Pop fans at all. I'm too shy to talk to people also sometimes so yeah. I wish I had a friend (in real life I mean) that loved K-Pop, J-rock or stuff like because that's the kind of music I REALLY like you know? Ah sorry if I rambled through this bad habit of mine.
My friends are completely against k-pop — my best friend completely despises them. I know what you mean, a few years ago (3? 3 and a half...) when I was on Junior High (and the beginning of High School, let's be honest) I felt really lonely too, but people around me started to understand, and ever since I entered High School things changed! They would comprehend me and were even willing to listen to kpop and they found it funny that I liked something that no one knew about.
But there's no one I can speak to about it. Though I don't need it anymore either! Asianfanfics took that 'loneliness' away from me ;))
Don't be sad! Find friends that truly care for you (Junior High was horrible for me, glad it's over) and you won't be lonely anymore!