✥ Phoenix Killer App Form ✥





Code Name : Dash/Dasher

Phoenix Number : 91



Account name(linked) :  izzie_inlove



Name : Marie-Isabel Park (full name, but prefers to go by Isabel Park), Park Sung Hee (Korean name), Park YingXin (Chinese name).

Age : 18 (Korean Age, 19) 

Nicknames : Izzie (play on words: short for her Birth name, but also because she's easy to get along), and HeeHee (to kind of make fun of her for her laugh). 

Birthday : June 11th, 1994

Birthplace : Rouen, France (town located around 1h~1h30 from Paris, towards the West coast of France, aka "La Manche").

Hometown :  Changsha, China.

Languages : Mandarin (fluent), Korean (semi-fluent), French (fluent), English (basics). 

Height/Weight : 1.64 m, 68kg

Blood type : Rh O+ 



Ulzzang Name : Park YongHee

Ulzzang Pics (min. of 4) : 

She also has a site, you can go to it here.














Backup Ulzzang : Lee JungHa

Backup Ulzzang pics (min. of 2) :












Style: Not too picky with clothes, although has a very big collection of sweaters; prefers to wear either black, jeans, or neutral colors at all times, and dislike clothes with bright colors (neons, fuchsias, etc.); comes off as chic and gives off a "cool" vibe. 

Casual : Preferably pants (dark colored), with a loose shirt, coupled with a (must-have) sweater and shades; comfy is a must, so flats or Converse, but no high heels. 

Formal : Although not the most comfortable, dresses (either black or grey, but nothing too out-there like Royal Blue or Hot Red) coupled with shorts underneath (just in case, you know?). And if need be, high heels, but preferably with stubby heels, since stilettos are too easy to break. 

Swimsuit : Either a one-piece bikini (like this one or this one), or a typical one-piece swimsuit (such as this one and this one

Sleepwear : A simple, big sized T-shirt with some shorts (during winter, it'd be leggings,) and a comfy sweater. 



Personality : Hard to get close to at first, but once you get through that barrier, Izzie is a fairly gentle and warm girl, despite sometimes being too stubborn and/or direct. With people she's not close to/doesn't know, she'll mostly be polite and quite, sometimes coming off as aloof. She may seem dull for her lack of interests, but despite that she's a very fun person to be around. She's also very hard-working, often crossing the border between that and workaholicism. She often bears grudges. Can act girly and giggly for the job, but she'll be most likely puking inside. When pissed-drunk, she'll turn into a very sentimental person, often hugging her friends and doing aegyo (which she'll regret in the morning after). 

Likes (less than 10 in points):  

  • Hot chocolate (it's a must-have for breakfast!);
  • Cold weather;
  • Watching the rain (again, with a mug of hot chocolate!); 
  • Exercicing and moving around; 
  • Has a soft spot for younger girls (reminds her of her sister)

Dislikes (less than 10 in points):

  • Rude people; 
  • Being underestimated, specially if it's because of her gender or her looks; 
  • Doing Aegyo, since she feels shudder-y and awkward doing it; 
  • Being pushed for not being girly enough;

Habits (less than 10 in points):

  • Says what's on her mind, not thinking through if it's mean and/or hurtful; 
  • Always wears a sweater;
  • Will put one arm behind her back and hold onto her other arm (sorry, I couldn't find a picture) when lying or uncomfortable. 
  • In a room, she'll hide at least three knives as soon as possible, just in case; 


Hobbies (less than 10 in points):

  • Practicing KungFu; 
  • Dancing (when the mood strikes her); 
  • Taking walks (whether it'd be parks, beaches, it suits her fine as long as there's nature involved); 

Talents (less than 5 in points):

  • Quick at learning things that are body-related (exercices, dances, etc); 
  • Has a fairly good memory;
  • Is very flexible




Background : Moved from France to China after her mother got a divorce. Her step-father was a drunkard and was violent towards her mother, but after a couple of years of training, Izzie managed to throw her step-father out of the house. Had to work and protect her mother and little sister from then on, until the house was "robbed" and both family members ended up being killed. She then began living by herself, having recently finished high school and pursuing studies in martial arts. 



Love Interest 1 : Lay (Zhang YiXing) 

Love Interest 2 : Tao (Huang ZiTao) 



Code Name : Dash/Dasher, since she's pretty fast on her feet and knows how to pull off a stylish or elegant look, despite looking somewhat like a tomboy at times. 

Persona Name : Ao Aining (Chinese "fake" name), Min SeulAh (Korean "fake" name), Ara Milner (English "fake" name) 

Your Killer Number (Phoenix Number) : 91

Tattoo location : If it's small, then behind the ear, if it's medium sized, then on the lower right hip. 

Main Weapon : Butterfly swords 

Side Weapons : Throwing knives, and a kubotan she carries on her at all times. 

Years of Training : Took 3 years of training in Savate (French boxing), a training on-and-off of Qigong (for health and meditating purposes), and practiced for the most years kungfu (specialising in Butterfly swords, otherwise known as butterfly knives)

How You Were Found : On the streets, after having been ganged up by a bunch of erts, while she had been injured (but not much); in a fairly deserted street in Changsah, China. 


FOR YOUR LEADER (XxMystiquexX aka Raven)

Comments : I was a bit confused about the "My Secret Life" section, so perhaps it isn't what it was supposed to be? And I'm not sure I understand the whole Phoenix Number thing, either (?_?) . Lastly, (sorry it's taking so long), in the remote case that this character does happen to be picked, could it *not* be the other right wing of Raven? I mean, it is the author's choice in the end, just... Well, if I'd get to choose, I'd rather my character wasn't ^^. Thanks for taking the time to read this :D 

Suggestions : None, authornim ^^ 





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you have a unique app here :) also, the Phoenix number is only 2-100, not more, choose a number in between them but the number 13 is already chosen, update that when you have time..