What if my ex says these to me?


What if your ex says these to you?



1. Hi! How are you? We haven't talked for a while.

Uhhhh... Hi. And I don't want to talk, either.



2. You wanna hang out with my peeps and I?


Of sure. It's damn okay.



3. I LOVE YOU...


By 2ne1?! OMG !! I LIKE THEM TOO!!!



4.Do you want some cookie?


Uh no. Might poison me. But... you want some coke?



5. Let's take a photo together!


Oh sure. Just make sure that your girlfriend ain't gt no time to my life.



6.Help me with my homework?


Homework? You go to school, son of a ?



7.Here's my gift for you!


Oh, thanks! I've also got something for my boyfriend. But guess what? He didn't come... so.. here.



8.Let's just text, arasseo?


Okay ._.



9.Want me to buy you an iPod?





10.Let's sit together in the bus later?


LOL, I'm sorry but I preffer standing.



11. Hi Baby!

Me not your baby. And h.
stolen from asdfghjkloove


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