

So I went with some old best friends of mine to a bar last Friday.
To celebrate my friends birthday; although her actual birthday was the Friday before, due to finals and her being sick it was moved.
Anyways, the moment we got to the place the first thing she did was gleefully yell at my face You, my dear, will have a shot with me!
I instantly cringed. LOL.
It's something she's been pestering me about for close to three years now xxD.
we actually bought the thing.
Thing because I refuse to call that liquid a drink, shot, alcohol... whatever.
Point is. She gave me the shot with a beer and told me If the taste is too strong for you, just wash it down with this
Well okay, she's the master here. So I opened the beer and left it aside.
We counted to three and upsy daisy.
Jesus that is the single most revolting thing I have ever drowned in my life T___T.
And she was all. the beer!
I seriously wanted to cry. hahahahaha.
Further into the night she told me You should be quick with drinking it, it tastes foul once it gets warm
To which I God honestly screeched IT GETS WORSE?!
Oh god.
That was terrrible.
I still had fun though. xxD
Well... that's it.
Just wanted to say this. hahahaha.
p/s: I still can't believe she drank like. Two or three more of those awful beers. /shudders/ I can't. They taste awful


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Ah I get ya, thats how it is when u are a noob...so start w sweet things like Smirmoff apple or the original one (thats a beer) and like ___ on the beach or midori sour, bacardi apple w sour. Then when u are a drink master, it is then that u can go to other stronger drinks, like scotch, whisky and stuff, also the beers u should start w corona light or heineken light but mostly corona cause u can drink it w a lime and it taste pretty gd w it. La verdad q tu amiga te mato! o_o uno no empieza con shots y cerveza, eso estuvo algaro de su parte pq ya ella si es uan master pero eso es un trauma como pa q tu nunk kieras beber! >.< lol! En cuanto a shots uno empieza tanbn suave como un b52 q es dulcesito pq es leche y cafe con un spirit (baileys, kahlua y grand manier). Anyways ya termine! lol!
LOL yeah they taste awful but sometimes >>> (Sometimes like just a 0.01 taste just fine)... Don't try to find when it does! LOL

Well when we are going to get THINGS?!! lol jk
elisaexplosive #3
I don't like beer either; but I tend to get drunk on other things that taste better and are much stronger.