—pearlbaby ┊↷ application for [insert character's name]

please keep your application neat. delete everything in brackets. everything has to be written in gray. example;

Name: Justin Bieber

Birthdate: 1994/03/01

Hometown: Busan

  The Real You;

Profile: [insert your username and hyperlink it to your profile]


Basic Information;

Name: [can be a non-korean name]

Nicknames: #

Birthdate: [yyyy/mm/dd]

Hometown: #

Ethnicity: #

Languages Spoken: #



Personality: [be creative but it doesn't have to be very long]

Hobbies: [can be 1 or more]

Likes: [2+]

Dislikes: [2+]

Trivia: [3+]

Blood type: #



Height: [in cm]

Weight: [in kg]

Photo: [only ulzzangs are allowed. hyperlinked. 2+]

Ulzzang's Name: [Ryu Hyeju is taken]

Backup Photo: [only ulzzangs are allowed. hyperlinked. 2+]

Backup Ulzzang's Name: #

Any tattoos or scars? #



Mother: [ name | age | occupation | short description about her ]

Father: [ name | age | occupation | short description about him ]

Sibling(s): [ name | age | occupation | short description about them ] [can be an idol, ulzzang, or oc]

Close Friends: [pick 2. can be an idol, ulzzang, or oc]

Rival: [give the reasons why he/she is your rival. if you don't have one just leave it blank]


Love Life;

Love interest: [ukiss' dongho is taken]

Relationship with you: [how is your relationship with him? are you two dating? if yes, how long have you been dating? does the public know about your relationship? do the members of pearlbaby know about it?]

Love interest's personality: [short description about him]


Idol Life;

Stage Name: #

Personal Fanclub Name: #

How you act toward your fans: [are you nice to them or just faking a smile and etc]

Your previous company before YG Entertainment: [leave it blank if you're a YG Entertainment trainee since the beginning]

Position in the group: [check the foreword please] 

Any fanclub name suggestion for pearlbaby? [plus the reason why it is called like that]



Is there anything I need to know about your character? [more information about her]

Do you have anything to ask or tell? #

Comments: #



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