About me 4 -- stolen

Hey there!

Real Name: Sydney....I'm not going to say my last name, not because I don't want stranger to know my last name...it's just embarrassing...

Nickname(s):Killer Boots, Syd, Squid, face, ney, and anything my mom calls me...

Birth date: March 13, 1998

Height: 5'3

Weight: Uhhhh

Original hair color: Black

Eye color: Dark brown

Piercing(s): Ears are gauged, lip is pierced.


I like you! 

Favorite Color: Blue

Favorite Drink(s): Coffee and monster

Favorite Food(s): Mexican and Chinese

Favorite Season(s): Fall and Spring


I hate you!

Least favorite color: Yellow

Least favorite drink: Cranberry

Least favorite food: anything with mushrooms and peanuts.

Least favorite season(s): Winter and summer


I'm a good girl? Or bad?

My duties at home: Whatever my mom tells me to do, mostly dishes and sweeping.

My duties at school: Learn?

My duties outside school and house: Be ing awesome.

My attitude at home: Loud and -ish

My attitude at school: quiet and -ish

My attitude outside school and house: loud and -ish


I'm an artist!

Skills: writing, attempting to draw, being sarcastic

Hidden talent: being a ninja?

Drawing: Anime and chibi

Singing: like the birds? (loud and obnoxious)

Rapping: Haha, let's not try that.

Any other: my art of sarcasm


I'm not supposed to

What were you doing before this: drinking coffee and on the phone

What are you supposed to do right now: nothing, home alone... so throw a party???

What were you thinking when you saw the blog title: AHH I'm bored so I might as well fill this out...

What were you thinking when you did this blog: Kellin Quinn, , in my bed...along with my other husbands and my crushes from school. (oh gods I would love that) O///O


My type

Boyfriend Ideal type: I don't really know...I'm into dorky guys, guys who like LOTR's and , guys with braces lol, my crush is like that unfff

Friends Ideal type: funny, understanding, sarcastic, weird....

Teachers Ideal type: chill and not riding my 27/7

Myself Ideal type: Talks too much, procrastinates, short attentin span, open minded, hilarious, blunt, straightforward, random, awkward. yeah....


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