My Writer Self (stolen from Hyunvirus)


1. Why did you start writing? 

I dunno... My first experience with writing a story is when I was a kid. I wrote a mixed fairy tale story with drawings on it. x_x I 'm not sure why I wrote it though. When I still wasn't a kpop fan, I wrote fanfics about the High School Musical cast (so embarrassing x_x). I was actually a Zac x Ashley fan and I didn't really like Zac x Vanessa, so yeah. I started writing a Kpop fan fic when a plot just suddenly came into my mind while reading a Super Junior fic and then I just started writing my first kpop fan fic. 


2. Who inspired you to write? 

I'm not sure how to answer this since I started writing 3 times. (lol whut) In my kpop fanfic writing, I guess ShiningJuliette inspired me. Her fan fic, Maid for them, was the fic I was reading before a plot came to my mind. I actually joined AFF just to subscribe to her fic, so yeah. Other than ShiningJuliette, I can't think of any oter person as an inspiration. I guess I can say my life(?) is also my inspiration. My boring nobody life and the wonders of the philippine kpop world (lol whut).


3. Where does your fanfic ideas come from? 

The sub plots for my fanfics I guess I get them from MVs, songs, my life, other people's lives and some of them just suddenly comes to my mind. The main plot for my fics... well honestly I can't control the fanfic ideas that comes to my mind. Ideas would come randomly to me at random times. I can't really say that I got my ideas from MVs or songs or something like that since, I dunno it just randomly comes to me.


4. If you read other Fanfiction writers, who is it? 

I read from different authors actually... But the stories I usually read are by whutever09(lol), littlepenguins, jooyeonlee, poshypocrite, ShiningJuliette, dbskgirl4ever, cuppieeee, muzikmaster, shinchaeyoung, That-Damn-Inspirit, Meili5, Marielleying, esmeena, udonnoodles, belcuore88 and Soochan15. 


5. Why do you write the group(s) you write about? 

Because I'm a really big fan of them and I actually know a lot about them that I can use as a sub plot in a fic. In writing a fic I base on how the group or boy/girl group member fit the plot.


6. Have any writer friends?

Whutever09, JeannieJung, hermelyn0497 and Guia18. Other than those people, none. Well I'm not really friendly x_x. I don't really talk to people first. Usually people talk to me first. I can't really start a conversation x.x


7. Which member you dislike and like writing the most? 

I really don't like writing about someone I don't know that much. I really don't like reading fanfics that changes the idol's age and changes the idol's personality. JUST MAKE YOUR OWN CHARACTER IF YOU'RE GONNA DO THAT! If I know the idol or the group, I won't really have that much hard of a time showing their personality since it's really fun. Although I find it a little hard to base the lines they have on their real personality. So when I made a ZE:A fanfic, I had a hard time writing giving Taehun a dialouge because he doesn't really talk that much on screen. I really like writing about idols and groups that have different personalities. Not like the usual Goo Jun Pyo personality. I really like writing personalities that challenge me. 


8. What do you love and hate about writing?

I really love how I can control people's lives(lol). I love how I can make my own person and make people different than what usually people are. I really love showing the different gender's personality. Although, I dislike thinking too much about my grammar in writing. English is my 2nd language and I guess I should be good at it but I'm still having a hard time with grammars and stuff. 

The thing I really love about writing, is showing what I really think about things. I can actually express my opinions through writing. I also love reading my stories when I'm done with them. I just feel proud and embarrassed that I can write. Proud because I can and embarrassed because people will actually read what's going through my head. 


9. How many subscribers do you have?

A few. Like really. Less than 20. Well I haven't written that much yet and I actually deleted all my stories x_x


10. If someone ask you advice about writing, what would you say?

Don't make your characters too perfect. Ok maybe there isn't a perfect nor imperfect character but don't make your character too goody goody. Add some twists to make it more interesting and fun to write. When you're having a hard time writing a character's personality, don't overthink and just have fun. Well don't do what I did. If you're having a problem with your writing style, don't be afraid to pause on writing and learn. Go read the books with writing styles you adore and from there learn. Don't listen to haters. Focus on the people that read and love your stories because if you keep on changing for people you won't be going anywhere. You can't satisfy everyone. 

Well simply have fun with writing. Have fun with life lol.



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so small ._____. i cannot. lewl.

Yay~ I r your fried \(=w=)/
wanna do this!
and i do agree with writing...
have fun doing it!