Next Story!!


Winter Break!

(Wow, Fantastic Baby)


School’s out! You know what that mean! TIME TO WRITE

Child’s Play has reached 30 subscribers and 1000 views! I’m so grateful!!


Over the Break I’ll be updating Child’s Play regularly and working on my collab with Joe040297  and also, working on the artwork for my biggest fanfic project yet. (Due Spring 2013)

But for now, I’ll have time to write and introduce one more Fanfic. But I don’t know what to write first. SOOO I want you, my loyal readers and friends, to Help me decide from 4 new fictions. What do you want to see first!




These are the candidates:




I Have to Win

(Dooseob, Junseung, Kiwoon, Action, Scifi)


In the year 2500, a lab explosion released a mysterious virus into the air, from an unmarked island within the Pacific ocean. Thousands of people were infected by this non-lethal virus and began to experience abnormal symptoms, such as increased or decreased body temperatures, sensitivity to light or darkness. Hardened or softened skin, etc. But not many victims reported experiencing any pain. It was soon discovered that children born to parents harboring the virus, were blessed with strange powers. At first they were quarantined to keep them from causing destruction.

In 2580, the threat of destruction has passed. Children are still being born with powers but society has outlawed their use. To satisfy their power lust, it’s not uncommon for these power users to participate in underground fights and tournaments, beyond government control. Yoon Doojoon strives to be the best in these fights, but there is one opponent he cannot defeat.

[Updated: Weekly (Starts in 5-7 weeks) or Bi-weekly (Starts in 3-5 weeks)]




I’ve Only Eyes For You

(Beast, Comedy, Romance, Supernatural)


Mi Sun. In personality, she ranked average. In looks, below average. In athleticism, she’s at the bottom of the barrel. Raised by a single father, she’s believes there are no redeeming qualities about herself. That is until she is brought to a fanmeeting by her best friend.

What happens when she discovers her mother’s secret origin and her gaze cause three members of her favorite band to fall in love with her?

[Updated: Irregularly (when each chapter is finished)]





(Beast, Comedy, Fantasy,Mini-series)


“Hey guys, I have an idea.” Dongwoon spoke up, earning the attention of the other 5 members.

“Well, my laptop died, so I’m all ears.” Junhyung glanced up from the black screen.
“Let’s make our own fanfiction.”
“EHH?!” Kikwang yelled, nearly choking on the pudding he was currently devouring.
“Not those kind of fanfiction, Kiki. I mean like fantasies.”
“Fantasies?” Hyunseung asked as he brought in another candle.
“Yeah. We can each make up and tell a story that involves the 6 of us. The catch is, you have to make it as far fetched as you can. Anything is possible in these stories.”
“So what are the rules,” The intrigued leader asked.
“ Just make it unbelievable and each of us need to be featured in it at least once.”
“Is shipping allowed?” Hyunseung queried.
“As long as it’s not too awkward. But no !”
“Ok,” Kikwang smiled. “I’m in.”
Dongwoon nodded happily. “Now the question is,who goes first.”


[Updated: Irregularly (Starts when the first story is ready)]

And the Last but certainly not least:



Lunar Eclipse

(Dooseob, Junseung, Kiwoon, Supernatural)

[Most of you have already read the Fullmoon trilogy so rather than decribe the story, I’ll just tickle you with a teaser. XP]

“Do you really think... I’m strong enough?”- Yoseob

“Now of all times?! You decide to leave me!”- Hyunseung

“I can feel it, She’s near.”- Dongwoon

“ You’ve gotta be kidding me! After all the we went through! Was it all for nothing!”-Junhyung

“We’re sure. And we have no regrets. There’s no turning back.”-Kikwang

“Once that moon vanishes from the sky, it’s begins, and I guarantee one of us will not be leaving this forest alive.” -???

[Updated: Daily ( Starts: When story is finished)][warning: May include BtoB spin-off Trilogy]




I’ll tally the votes Wednesday, December  19th, and write my stories in order of vote. I’ll start only one and won’t start another until Child’s Play is finished

Thanks again all for reading my fictions! I’m so grateful!!




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