This is Evil. Pure Evil.

This didn't happen to me - keep that in mind.

It was to my twin sister (gacktx).

This is pure evil, no doubt, someone is trying to hurt her in the worst possible way.

And it's a problem for me too!

You'll see why.



Well, I live in Scotland, UK. The country located directly on top of England right?

And i'm sure most of you know who will be playing in the Wembley Stadium tomorrow?


Well, if you don't, i'll tell you...



Big Bang is playing there.


And we couldn't go, cause well, it's Christmas time and we need money for other's.

And my two best friends are going, but i don't mind.


And today, we came in from school, and there was a long envolope with my sister's name on it.


'Must be from UCAS.' (A university application thing.)


There was no return address, it had been sent completely anonymously.

Want to know what was inside?


2 Big Bang tickets to tomorrows showing in London.








That's just pure evil. Of course we can't go. Because well, we're in Scotland, they're in London, it's just not possible.

But i thought you should know about my sisters problem.

It right?

Please send her comforting messages, as she REALLY wanted to go, but didn't have the money.

And to get the ticket before the day, and not even have absolutely any way to get down to London.

It hurts.

And there were TWO tickets.

Meaning, i could've went as well.

But we have no idea who sent it. Creepy right?



Well, rant over... *sigh* i was already having a rough day, now this.


Good thing was - the seats :L





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i understand how u both feel really well dear :(
MissBunnyGyu #2
I would have just damned my parents and go to this!!! IT'S NOT EVERYDAY YOU GOT TICKETS TO A BIGBANG SHOW!!!
That !! so sorry you can't go!!
*hugs* maybe they're from your best friends? Maybe they thought it would be nice? So you can all go together for the holidays? Since its a once in a life time thing...
Tell your twin its ok. They'll have more concerts in the future. :) smile for the world Girls *^_^*
sorry for the problem, I would try to help if it was not stuck with twins and work.
CosmoQueen #6
OMG I'm sorry! *HUGS* :(
that was URGH!!!!!!
why why why!!!!