Hmm... funny.

You know how when a cute guy leans on you and your heart flutters a thousand miles per hour and you can't help but blush and smile? It happened to me a while ago... but for the briefest(?) moment ever. 

You know what ruined the moment?

My writer instinct.

Look, I'm not saying I'm a professional writer and stuff but it's just there when you start to love putting events into words. Narrating everything in your head and later putting them on paper (or screen). It's a weird yet hilarious urge, really.

So, the guy is a friend... he's quite popular, actually. I, however, only have eyes for my db5k but he is still a pleasant-looking guy and I am still a girl with hormones and hopeless-romantic tendencies.

He was sick and asked me if it's okay if he leans on me, I said it's alright since there's nothing awkward about it at all. I'm pretty sure a lot of people from my class think I'm into girls and he is very much aware that I am (i quote) "anti-relationships"). So it wasn't weird until he actually placed the top of his head on my back. Coz it gave me butterflies and I felt heat rush to my face, and all of a sudden my brain is like, "ohh~ so this is how the heartfluttering thing feels. Better take note of that. Okay... so I feel a bit lightheaded and my tummy feels weird-" when I realized I was thinking this, I was making a face. An amused smile and slight nodding then Nodame pout. I've seen myself do this so many times and I swear to db5k's reunion that expression of mine is anything but attractive.

Hahahah. The moment I caught myself thinking like that, I wanted to laugh. I wanted to laugh hard. My love for romance as a literature material has killed the 'kilig bones' in my body. It's actually really funny. Funny: weird and just a bit funny: haha.

I guess I'm on my way.

I've made myself proud today.



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sorry but i am really laughing when i read this! (not in a bad way of course) because this is just sooo cute! i have never looked at it that way. haha.. but it is true though, we often write what we know.. erhmm.. the awkward situations in my fic are often real life awkward situations. oh my i haven't felt that heart fluttering thing for ages. . so proud of you!
Haha. Interesting feeling indeed. If only you could investigate further, no? But then that will definitely ruin the moment. Can we be objective and subjective at the same time? Haha!