3 word survey [stolen from p3acexl0vexsuju]

MUST USE 3 WORDS. (no more no less)


Not as easy as you might think...(or is it?!)



1. Where is your cell phone?

> On my right.


2. Boyfriend/girlfriend?

> y, Free and Single


3. Hair?

> Brown, horribly short.


4. Your mother?

> An awesome ahjumma!


5. Your father?

> Greatest man ever.


6. Your favorite item?

> No materialism, please.


7. Your dream last night?

> Can not remember.


8. Your favorite drink?

> Fresh, natural water


9. Your dream guy/girl?

> Whom I like.


10. The room you are in?

> Freaking cold bedroom.


11. Your fear?

> My sister's death.


12. What do you want to be in 10 years?

> Proud of myself.


13. Who did you hang out with last night?

> My loyal bed.


14. What are you not?

> Arrogant, I think.


15. Are you in love?

> Unfortunately, I am.


16. One of your wish list items

> Peace and Love.


17. The last thing you did?

> Upload a video.


18. What are you wearing?

> Jeans, shirt, jacket.


19. Your favorite book?

> Eça de Queiroz.


20. The last thing you ate?

> Pasta with tuna.


21. Your life?

> cotton candy-like


22. Your friends?

> don't comprehend me [xD]


23. What are you thinking about right now?

> Should've greeted him.


24. Your car?

> Mercedes, public bus.


26. What are you doing at this moment?

> Trying to upload.


27. Your summer?

> Way too hot.


28. Your relationship status?

> "widowed" on facebook.


29. What is on your TV screen?

> don't own one.


30. When is the last time you laughed?

> few seconds ago.


31. Last time you cried?

> two weeks ago



> going well, thanks



and it's not uploaded yet...


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