Journal Entry #12- 12-12-12,FOOD, and Finals.






Happy 12-12-12. ....woah. journal entry 12 too~ i swear that's totally unintentional... 

supposedly today was a lucky day. I find it like any normal day. just...rainy. O_O

however, my mom met my friend's mom unintentionally too today so kekeke.

today's has been happy and..cold. XD 



-Story Cliche time-

It's 12-12-12. EXO K and EXO M combined makes 12 talented and wonderful boys.  Oh how we're so proud of you~ I love you guys so much~ 

Keep up the good work! We're always rooting for you! ^^

-End of short cliche moment-

it's finals this week.. 

feat. Kris and Chen.

credit to topgrademilk 


..need to update writing TT TT. editor's been bugging me about it.



Went to Paris Baguette today. :) FOOODDDD









Basically sums up my day. 


How was yours?


~Dia is Out!~


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Wehee exo dag~ bleehh you didn't write that exo oneshot waahhh TT TT

Ikr it was So cold today and duckling didn't let us stay in the music room TT TT and I was so creeped out by curly Fries at school =__= and roedmkef that gif
ish sooooo cute! I didn't get it until I remembered chen had lightening power XD

djskfke xlsxoksxn lucckkkyy I'm laying imbed drooling at the food now =__= thanks sheep. I'm foodsually fustrated now O u O

.. Oh man I'm so lame .. .__.