❀ Bloom ❀ ~ SM Entertainment's New Girl Group ~ HaeKyung | Yoon Joori ~





 Wh  oA   re   Y   ou?

Username : Haekyung

Profile Link : CLICKEU



Full Name : Yoon Joori [ ]

Stage Name : Julie, JU-RI

Age : 16

Birthday : 12/21/1996 (December 21st, 1996)

Nickname(s) : None

Blood Type : Type O { Source }

"People with blood type O people are outgoing, energetic and social. They are the most flexible of the blood types. They easily start up projects but often have trouble following through because they give up easily. They are flighty and not too dependable. O types always say what's on their mind. They value the opinion of others and like to be the center of attention. Also, people with O blood are extremely self-confident".


Height : 154cm » 5"1'

Weight : 52kg » 115 lbs

Hometown : Daegu, South Korea

Nationality : Full Korean

Languages : Korean {fluent; can be spoken with gyeongsang dialect}, Basic mandarin chinese {semi-fluent}, English {semi-fluent}

Personality :

Joori is a childish, energetic character who spends her time dreaming about her everyday-life; sometimes, her immaturity can come across to others as, "stupid" or "dumb" because since she's most immature, she tends to be a little oblivious and gullible. It's easy for her to believe other's, depending on how well they tell the story or lie — if it sounds true, then it's her choice to believe it, which she often does. That would also make her seem a little unreliable.. and, that would actually be true. If you told her a secret, she'd say she'd keep it, but she's most likely to accidently make a slip. {It depends on how big that secret would be, I guess!} She's also a hopeless-romantic. Always dreaming, praying, wishing for that one happily-ever-after into the sunset. *sigh~*

Joori is the type to always keep watch of what other people say of her, because their others' opinions is something that really matters, in her case. She's a bit of an attention-seeker; always wanting to impress someone, or to have someone watch her talents and compliment her. It's a habit she gained as a kid, and since she still acts like one, the habit still remains. Another habit of hers would be her bluntness — if it's on her mind, she just has to go on ahead and tell you. —"Your drawing looks more like a shoe than a duck!", "I don't like that color! It's too plain!", "No. I think you look better here than there." — are just some of the things she might say. But, although she's a bit too open, Joori's still a loving person who does her best to meet your expectations.

Persona : Nation's Little Princess; because she is often treated like a child, or a baby, she can be seen as a "princess", in a way. one who's always taken care of and such~ so.. a little princess.. yeah.



Ulzzang : Lee Geum Hee

Ulzzang Pictures: 12 | 3 | 4 | 5 

Back-up Ulzzang : Park Seul Ki

Back-up Ulzzang Pictures: 1 | 2 | 3



Speciality/Talent :
» Freestyle rap {with geyongsang, daegu dialect} ; if you give her a subject, she'll attempt to make a rap about it. often successful.
» Voice imitation {both vocal or speech} ; can imitate an actor, actress or singer's vocals and speech. mainly for comedy.
» Ballet ; something she had taken when she was little, and still has the skill now. stopped for about 2-3 years.
» Comedy ; she loves to make others laugh. whether it be a body gag, or a practical joke, she'll do anything for laughter~

Hobbies :
» Journaling ; likes to write in her diary a lot. keeps all her secrets there.
» Origami ; hangs a lot of her creations in her bedroom or in the BLOOM dorm.
» Socialmedia/photo sharers ; she uses the computer a lot, so she posts photos of herself on ulzzang or instagram, updates statuses or spams twitter-ers with her awkward tweets.

Likes :
» Food ; she could also be called "the hungry maknae" for being such a glutton, but that names been used to often. likes spicy foods most, but enjoys lots of sweets like cake or chcolate.
» Romance (happily-ever-afters)
» Coffee/tea ; always has either one of these every morning, noon and night. often seen when she's using the computer or reading.
» Attention/being spoiled
» Boybands ; has always been a fan of many, MANY different kboy groups.


Dislikes :
» Nature ; not like animals or trees and stuff.. more like, her being out in the wild from civilization. {If you know what I mean~}
» Being called "short", "shortie", "shrimp" or anything having to due with her height
» Roller coasters ; had a bad experience. {lolosafubasf--}
» Amphibians/reptiles ; frogs, turtles, snakes, etc–
» Waking up early

Trivia :
» Names her items, and possesions ; camera {"Betty"}, laptop {"Shaun"}, phone {"Charlie"}, iPod {"Nanan"}, etc–
» Is the "technology-freak" of BLOOM ; always needs to have some sort of device with her. her iphone, or laptop or something.
» Has a uniquely deep-ish voice for her age

Habits :
» Speaks in her Daegu {geyongsang} dialect/accent when talking to family or friends.
» Sometimes speaks informally towards someone of higher respects {or someone younger/same age}
» Chews on the stringy end of her hoodies or sweaters when she's bored
» Snores in her sleep

Role Model?: Amber from f(x)! ; because she's cool, and isn't afraid to show who she is.



How do you dress? : She dresses really simple, cute and feminine. She loves dresses, skirts, plaids, shorts and floral patterns. She likes to wear bright colors, and always has her own fashion.

1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5

Your motto/quote to live by?: "Everything you can imagine is real." — Pablo Picasso

Your favorite song?: Hello - by SHINee


Audition Links:

Singing : 1 | 2

Dancing : 1 | 2

Rapping : 1 | 2




Family Members :

Yoon Jaehee ~ Aunt ~ 35 ~ 8/10/77 ~ Florist ~ Daring, overprotective, but sweet, generous and loving. Can be a bit bossy and critical, but it's only because she cares.

Yoon Jooni ~ Older sister ~ 21 ~ 9/10/91 ~ University student ~ Strict, but always meaning well. She can also be critical, and is often a perfectionist.


Family History/Background :
Joori and Jooni were both born in Daegu, south korea where they both lived with their aunt, due to their tragic loss of parents. Despite that, the two siblings were always very close with their auntie, as well with each other. Although, the two sisters often held a strong rivalry through school and self-abilities, they all loved each other very much. Around the age of 10, Joori had discovered her interest in music and performing arts, and took up the chance to learn ballet. Which, she did so for 8 years.

It wasn't too long before Joori realized that she had a remarkable ability in singing. She then held her ballet lessons, and taught herself various songs. Her sister, who was also into music at the time, joined in Joori's experience, and both of the girls would spend most of their days outside their aunt's floral shop, singing for some pocket money. When Joori turned 14, her aunt and sister suggested to audition to be in a music industry, which Joori eventually tried to do so, when auditioning for LEON entertainment, but resulted in failure. On the same year, she tried another audition at SM entertainment — but, this time, she managed to make it through.

Any Pets?: None.



[]Amaryllis - Pride & Determination - Main Rapper, Sub-Dancer

[]Dahlia - Elegance & Dignity - Main Dancer, Sub-Vocals

[x]Daisy - Innocence & Purity - Maknae,  Lead Vocals, Sub-Rapper

[]Heather - Solitude & Beauty - Visual, Lead Dancer, Sub-Vocals

[   ]Iris - Faith & Wisdom - Leader, Main Vocals - [TAKEN]



Fandom Name : Jullies {The way "Juliette" is read in korean hangul. 줄리엣 » Ju-lli-es}

Fan color: -----------  Light Salmon.



Name : Huang ZiTao {Tao}

Group : EXO-M

Age : 19

How You Met/Meet : While Joori was running through the halls to get to BLOOM's dance reharsal, she accidently bumped into Tao as he too, was going to practice. Both of them fell, ending with Tao's broken phone. Of course, Joori apologized for bumping into him, but with Tao's hot-temper, he kind of lashed out at her without meaning to.

His Personality : Tao is a quiet character who has a lot of troubles in dealing with anger. He's the type to raise his voice when irritated or angered, or to tell someone cruel remarks without actually meaning to. His temper is very short, and ready to fuse at any time, so one has to watch what they say. So, in order to maintain himself from shouting, he's usually always quiet and doesn't like it when others get into his personal space. But, beneath all that hard interior, he's very loving and friendly.. it's just a little hard for him to show that fact when he's scarying people off with his harsh attitude.



Friends :

Victoria ~ 25 ~ f(x) ~ During trainee days, Victoria was the one to help Joori when she just happened to get lost around the SM area. Later they both learned that they were both in idol groups and became closer friends along with Amber!


Best friend(s) :

Amber ~ 20 ~ f(x) ~ Amber was with Victoria when helping Joori, after she had gotten lost. It was Amber who was quite interested in Joori, and told her that she'd be her forever unnie!




Song Suggestions? None~

Comments/Questions?: THANK YOU FOR LETTING ME SUBMIT! SORRY FOR JUST ADDING TO YOUR LIST OF APPLICAAANTS. AAAAH- But, I'm done! Miahne! ;_____; Thankyou for looking at my application.. I think I may have added too much information.. asilfugasf-- I'm so sorry. ;orz BUT, STILL, THANKYOU SO MUCH! /GLOMPS. If there's anything I may need to change or edit, I'll change it RIGHT AWAY.


PEACH - IU http://youtu.be/iDVVEZ8SQRY






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