

[ 1 ] What is your username?


Thanks to Kris, I got a new username ;D


[ 2 ] Do you read or write fanfics?


I read if the FF is decent enough, and write when I have time c:


[ 3 ] When did you first start reading/writing fanfics?

11 years old. When I really couldn't handle it anymore, so I read fics on, then Wattpad, then AFF ;D


[ 4 ] What was your first fandom?

Kpop: SHINee. Ever since my cousin let me watch Yunhanam, I FELL IN LOVE WITH THEM <3
Anime: I think it was Inuyasha..or Mermaid Melody? Or was it..that anime with faires who came out of mugs. Especially that little cute blonde with the blue costume and maracas *-*


[ 5 ] First ship?

2Min ;D


[ 6 ] What website(s) do you use the most?

AFF, Stardoll [THAT'S WHERE I ROLEPLAY! I SWEAR! XD], Facebook, and Instagram(Or webstagram)


[ 7 ] What do you think about AFF?

I love it~! <3 

Except for those annoying writers who think they're the BEST writers in the world when their works are so bad that birds would get embarassed if they pooped on it. 



[ 8 ] What groups have you written?

All of them are EXO, but I'm planning to write one about SHINee though :)


[ 9 ] Pairings?

2MIN, JongKey, BaekYeol, TaoRis, HunHan, KaiSoo, MyungYeol


[ 10 ] Any groups you would like to write?

SHINee, Teen Top, more EXO, Big Bang :3


[ 11 ] Do reviews affect how you write a story?

It'll hurt my feelings, I know, since my works are crap. But I would try to improve and thank the reviewer :)

[ 12 ] Do you use a beta/

Nope, but I used to be a Beta in a dif. site [Wattpad, anyone?]


[ 13 ] What ratings do you read/write?

I write stories that can be read by anyone. And if I even write a Rated one, I would just probably laugh at how ridiculous it and delete a few minutes after.


[ 14 ] What warnings have you used on your fanfic(s)?


[ 15 ] Do you have any squicks?

What the heck is that? O.o


[ 16 ] Do you roleplay online?



[ 17 ] Have you ever stolen something from another person’s work?


Yeah. I did. But then I realized my wrong and deleted it. Then I made a new account [this one] and started fresh :)


[ 18 ] Favorite fandom to write/read?

EXO & B.A.P. I don't know why. 


[ 19 ] Favorite pairing?



[ 20 ] Favorite writers?

Dbskgirl4ever and Goddess *-*


[ 21 ] How long should a chapter be?

It has to be so long that I have to scroll down.


[ 22 ] Do you read/write drabbles?



[ 23 ] Any groups you avoid?

BEAST, since I really don't know them. :O But I'll be familiar with them SOMEDAY! 


[ 24 ] Pairing you avoid?

Sulay. And SuD.O. 

Actually, I think they made SuLay because they were the only ones left.


[ 25 ] Warnings you avoid?



[ 26 ] Do the number of reviews tell how good a fanfic is?

Not really. 

[ 27 ] What do you think of Mary Sue?

If she's already 'Perfect', then she can go rot in hell and die [I'M SO MEEANN.]. Remeber, there is no such thing as a perfect human in this world :)

[ 28 ] Have you ever flamed someone?



[ 29 ] Have you ever been flamed?


[ 30 ] How many fanfics have you written?

Six ;D


[ 31 ] What genres do you write or read?

Romance and fluff. ALWAYS *v*


[ 32 ] What story of yours has the most comments and how many?

The Guy Behind the Disguise - 81 ;D


[ 33 ] Most words?

TGBD, still.


[ 34 ] Which one do you like the best?

When She Loves an Idol since it's SO. TRUE. 


[ 35 ] Which one do you like the least?

Forever Loving You, since it had a ish title, a super short and crappy oneshot, and yet, my classmate 'loved it'. XD


[ 36 ] What do you think of hetero fanfics?

Uhh, call me a noob but, WHAT?


[ 37 ] Slash/?

It's okay. I guess.

[ 38 ] Favorite hetero pairing?

Once agian. WHAT?


[ 39 ] Favorite slash pairing?

I don't understand this but I guess it means this..

LuKai and KaiSoo


[ 40 ] What are your favorite genres?

Romance, Comedy, Fluff, and Fantasy. I'M YOUNG SO YEAH. 


[ 41 ] Will you read someone’s fanfics if they asked you to?

It depends ;D


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