Alphabet Survey [Stolen from gardinia_love93]


A: Availability (Single, Taken, Married, etc.)- Married to Choi Minho <3 Lol jk. Single :))


B: Birthday-  March 13~


C: Crushing on- 3 Juniors LOL I'M SUCH A  


D: Drink you had last- Water 


E: Easiest person(s) to talk to- Uhh. AFF? 


F: Favorite song- Fox Rain, My Girlfriend is a Gumiho/Nine-Tailed Fox OST


G: Grossest memory- Seeing our dog poop in front of us O.o


H: Hometown- Normal neighborhood which is popular for it's rice fields *eyes sparkle*


I: In love with- Choi Minho, Kris, Chanyeol, Jung Yonghwa, Zelo, Sungyeol..My list would go on forever so I should stop now :)


J: Jealous of- people is Korea because they get to breathe the same air as the Kpop idols OAO


K: Killed someone- or something. Maybe a few mosquitos and ants. 


L: Longest friendship- 5 years :]]


M: Milkshake flavor- VANILLA! 


N: # of sibling- 1 sister 


O: 1 wish- Meet all of the Kpop idols and make SURE they remember me!


P: Person you last called- My mom. Lol, such a loner..


Q: ?'s you always ask- “Why?" 'What is it again?" "Where's [Insert random thing/name]"


R: Reason to smile- CHOIMINHO. 


S: Song last listened to- Because I Miss You - Jung Yonghwa


T: Time you woke up- 10:30. I guess.


U: Underwear color?- AHEHEHE. White c:


V: Violent moment you had- Accidentally scratching a classmate so deep that it bled and turned red.


W: Worst habit- Worrying too much. Not opening up. Keeping secrets. [AHEHEHE.]


X: X-rays you had- The teeth scan you need before you get braces, and a scan of my lungs. I forgot what it was called ;D


Y: Your last time you cried- Err last night. [Got to be honest, right?]


Z: Zodiac sign- Pisces :)


Really bored now, so answering random surveys :D


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