Survey (stolen from dazzlingtaemint)

Basic -

1. Name: Kyra (i bet less than half will pronounce this right... :P)
2. Birthdate?: April 28
3. Current Location: Pleasanton, Cali in my room in the house with the address of-
4. Eye Color: dark brown
5. Hair Color: pretty sure its black... or THE DARKEST BROWN IN THE WOOORRRLLLD
6. Height: 5''1" ha! 2 inches shorter than u sis and im 4 years younger xDDD
7. Zodiac Sign: Taurus
8. Ethnicity: total viet boss baby xD
Have You ever.. -
10. Drank?: no
11. Smoked?: No
12. Skinny Dipped?: uh no thank u very much
13. a 9 volt battery?: now this is getting kinda weird...
14. Made a prank phone call?: Yup: SUCCESS!
15. Been in a beauty pageant?: ew... no
16. Thrown up in public?: nopes ;) dont plan to either
17. Worn a crown?: in a play for school but it was so big it went around my neck instead xDDD
18. the back of a CD to try to get it to work?: i've never even heard of that does it work??? O_O
19. Been on a blind date?: No
20. Caught a fish?: wish i have
21. Been in love?: yup, i am right now... (I WONT TELL LOL *ahem kpop ahem*)
22. Thought your cousin was hot?: all my cousins are girls except for one 5 month old so....
23. Slept past noon?: ahehehe.... maybe...
24. Taken a shower with the opposite ?:
25. Danced in front of your mirror?: how'd u guess??? lol
26. Been dumped?: nooooo
27. Been arrested?: No
28. Made out with a stranger?: uhm.... im 12 so.........
29. Seen someone die?: no and id rather not
30. Kissed a picture?: nope
31. Slept in the opposite 's bed?: my daaaaad
32. Made a snow angel?: once but the snow was icy and chunky and all it did was hurt my back... :(
33. Cheated while playing a game?: lol yuuuuuppp xDDD
34. Felt an earthquake?: yup im so freaking scared of earthquakes please no...
35. Touched a snake?: puehehehe yes
36. Sang karaoke?: once coz i was forced to by my aunt and it was the worst thing ever karaoke.... i just.... hate it
37. Done something you told yourself you wouldn't do?: who hasnt?
38. Caught a snowflake on your tongue?: that sounds awesome but no
39. Kissed in the rain?: i hate the rain when im outdoors my clothes stick to my skin and... ugh... not romantic at all
40. Sung in the shower?: i find it weird
41. Sat on a roof top?: school rooftop
42. Been pushed into a pool with all your clothes on?: lol yea i have... by my so called friends
43. Broken a bone?: lol i was 1 year old dancing to barney and fell off the bed and broke my arm... i was so rebellious!
44. Laughed so hard you cried?: oh yeah
45. out from influence?: no
46. Choked on something you're not supposed to eat?: i dont think so...
This or that -
47. Blind or deaf?: deaf... i'm a visual girl
48. Horror or comedy?: Comedy
49. Bungee jumping or sky diving?: bungee jumping all the way
50. Sunny or rainy?: Sunny~
51. Chocolate or Vanilla?: Chocolate
52. Night or day?: i personally like day but im more of a night person
53. Looks or personality?: Personality :D
54. Coffee or tea?: i hate both :P bubble tea, yea
55. Hot or cold?: hot except i wish it would be cold now since its december and its like 70 degrees...
Do You.. -
56. Smoke?: No and never will it's gross
57. Drink?: No
58. Do drugs?: No
59. Fall in love easily?: yea i guess
60. Like thunderstorms?:
61. Dance in the rain?: if im wearing rain clothing yes
62. Wish on stars?: yup
63. Believe in fate?: Yes
64. Believe in love at first sight?: hehehehe no... sorry but it doesnt work that way for me
65. Have tattoos?: No
Can you.. -
66. Cook?: rice!!!
67. Whistle?: HOW DO U DO THAT???
68. Curl your tongue?: yea (something i can do!)
69. Touch your nose with your tongue?: no and i wouldnt want to kinda gross lol
70. Speak another language?: i can sorta speak basic spanish and half vietnamese
And more -
71. Favorite word: herb xDDD or pillow
72. Favourite flower?: rose
73. Favourite colour?: green
74. What color is your underwear right now?: lemme check... doo doo doo.... black
75. Would you ever get plastic surgery?: just think about it: theres something inserted in your face that shouldnt be there... O_O
76. What is your favorite Holiday?: Christmas or halloween cant decide
77. What is your worst habit?: crinkling/twitching my nose
Opposite -
78. Hair colour?: i'd prefer black but it doesnt matter to me
79. Eye colour?: idc
80. First thing you notice about them?: appearance
Confession Challenge.
[] Talked back to a teacher.
[] Been kicked out of a class.
[] Worn your pajamas to school.
[x] Had your tooth fall out during school.
[] Gotten yourself lost in your school.
[x] Broken the dress code in your school. <--- I wasnt caught though lol
[ ] Completely and utterly failed a test.
[] Left your class without asking anybody.
[ ] Missed a whole week of school for something stupid.
[] Thrown up your lunch in school.
[ ] Argue with your parents a lot.
[ ]Argue with your brother[s] a lot.
[ ] Argue with your sister[s] a lot.
[ ] Do your own laundry.
[ ] Cook dinner once in a while.
[x]. Are loud and obnoxious at home.
[x] Wear pajamas when you are not going to go anywhere
[x] You sleep in very long.
[x] All you do is watch television/go on the internet.
[ ] Your parents are divorced.
[ ] Your family makes you cry a lot.
[ ] One or both of your grandparents live with you.
[ ] You can’t stand being with your parents.
[x] You currently dislike one or more of your friends.
[x] You are jealous of one or more of your friends.
[x] You have known a friend your whole life.
[x] Your friends are all taller than you.
[x] You have been ditched by a friend.
[x] You have memorized a friend's phone number.
[x] You have lost/forgotten a friends phone number.
[x] You have been to most of your friends houses.
[x] You love most of your friends.
[ ] You bite your nails.
[ ] You have an odd obsession with knives.
[] You cannot sleep with the door closed.
[] You cannot sleep with the door open
[x] There is at least one sound you cannot stand.
[ ] You write stories about mad cannibalistic serial killers
[] You are good at telling lies.
[x] You currently like/love someone.
[] You want to kill one of your exs.
[ ] You can’t stay committed for an unusually long time
[ ] You get bored of your crush/bf/gf easily.
[ ] A crush/bf/gf has called you self-centered before.
[ ] Your ex has dumped you for another girl.
[x] You hate George Bush.
[] Abortion is horrible and should be illegal.
[x] Gay marriage is fine by you.
[x] Boys make better friends than girls do.
[ ] Pink is an ugly color.
[ ] Needles aren’t so horrible.
[ ] Human flesh tastes like fine aged veal.
[x] You have plenty of secrets.
[x] Fallen up the stairs.
[x]Had your shoelaces tied together.
[x] Had a nail fall off.
[ ] Captured, Manipulated, or Destroyed a soul.
[x] Slapped someone across the face.
[ ] Killed someone.
[x] Worn something inside out for a whole day <---- inside out day for school... dont ask me my schools a weird school lol


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woah.. is this some kind of sorcery? my reaction to every answer was like OMG its totally the same!ASDFGJLKDJL We are soooo alike!!