How my life's going to be in the next 6 months...

... busy.


I'm done. I don't want anything of what's about to happen. In the middle of May I have to turn in an animated movie (minimum of 1 min) and, as always (STUPID MAFALDA), I chose the most difficult thing ever. I don't what's wrong with me. Maybe I like to take up challenges like this, really. There are days I'm out of my mind... I chose to animate with a metamorphosis 50 portraits of important artists that have exhibited in Árvore (an art gallery/cooperative). I'm so stupid. And now I have to work a lot because of that. Because I know if I had chosen something easier and simple like my classmates, I wouldn't be satisfied as school year ends.


Why do I have to be like this? ;___;

And adding to that, I have a lot of books I want to read!—Classical, mainly. And I don't have enough time. It annoys the hell out of me, really. I thought about taking a gap year before enrolling college, but, on the other hand, I don't want to waste my time... Just a few more years and I'll be over with college too.

I have to think positive x)


I don't even want to think about it. I have to turn in the synopsis and a few more things concerning my PAP project (final project) this upcoming Friday and I still have to think a looooot over it.

Ugh. Besides having to do a whole bunch of Geometry exercises this weekend, I have to turn in my portfolio on Monday...



I just want some time off!



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