♫Be Ma Girl?♫ →Application»(Moon Chaewon)«



--To You--

Name: Moon Chaewon

Nickname: Wonnie

Age: >>18 <<

D.O.B: 4th of July 

Height: 170cm

Weight: 50kg

Appearence: Moon Chaewon

Style:(polyvore, yesstyle or Forever 21 only)

1 || 2 || 3 || 4 || 5 || 6 || 7 || 8 || 9 || 10


--No More Perfume On You--

What happened to make you who you are?:(

She was always bullied in junior highschool, just because she was a nerd and was great in her studies. The teachers liked her the best because she was a good, hardworking and responsible student. The bullies often called her a teacher's pet, and the used to beat her up and take her lunch. Ever since then, she was very overprotective of the people she loves.

She's very soft spoken in front of other people because she's eager to lose the image of being a tomboy. She won't wear a skirt or dress unless forced, but she's now changing her style to lose her tomboy image.

She is closest with "the badass" because she can relate to her and understand her. She knows the reason to why she's so badass.






Family:(Important only)

Seo Taejin (Father) Owner of a famous tteokbokki stall and an investor (Alive)

PS. Her mother died when she was young

Park Siyeon (Stepmother) Investor (Alive)

Joowon (2 Days 1 Night) (Brother) University student (Alive)




-Doesn't like being forced to do things she doesn't want to do

-Soft spoken

-Tomboy-ish (can take care of herself)


-Caring  and kind




-Isn't used to expressing herself openly (except to "The Badass")

-Doesn't open up easily to strangers (especially guys)


-Korean barbeque (loves meat)

-Playing sports (basketball, badminton, swimming)

-Cute keychains

-Skinny jeans (she practically lives in them)


-Sleeping (she hibernates often)

-Strong and silent guys

-Stylish guys

-Open-minded people

-Reading in her free time

-Candy (candy kiss ><)

-Apples (she eats three a day, in the morning for breakfast, after lunch, and after dinner)

-Music (electronic, Korean-pop, etc)


-Unloyal friends

-People who don't keep their promises (she often says, "If you can't keep a promise, don't make one.")

-Vegetables (except brocolli)

-Forceful and conceited people



-Sleeping early (really late sleeper)

-Cockroaches (she kills them mercilessly)

-Bitter things (strong coffee like espresso, bittergourd)


-Shakes her legs alot

-Can't sleep without listening to music

-Likes wearing fake glasses

-Ties up her hair before eating (it always gets in her face when she's eating. This annoys her.)

-Walks quite arrogantly, but she doesn't notice it. (This often gives people the wrong perception of her, thinking she's very stuck up and bratty)

-Snorts cutely when she laughs.


She loves her father dearly, and often helps him out in the stall whenever she's free.

She lives in a decent place, not too big, not too small.

Her room walls are painted orange (her favourite colour) and pink (just a matching colour).

She has a great stereo system and an acoustic guitar.

She loves animals, especially cats and dogs.

Likes shopping for a guy (she usually dreams about picking out clothes for her future boyfriend)

Her phone (which she treasures dearly) was a present from her ex-boyfriend, Taehyun, on their one year anniversary.

Her ex-boyfriend broke up with her over another girl (causing her to not trust guys anymore) She still misses him dearly.

Always has coloured-rubber wristbands around her wrist (Adidas, Nike etc) She thinks its a great accessory.

Likes dressing up comfortably whenever she goes to school (A hoodie and a pair of denim skinny jeans)

A very athletic person.

Very close with the stepmother, they often go shopping together.

Shares almost everything with "The Badass" and family.

Is very close with her brother, and sometimes snuggles him to sleep in his bed.

--Supa Luv--

Part: The Leader

How you act around him: You don't really notice him in the beginning. He starts taking a liking to you (especially your cute snort when you laugh) because of your ignorant attitude but you don't give him the time of your day. You don't open up easily and often pushes him away. Whenever your rival is around him, you simply scoff and say that you don't like him at all, so you shouldn't care. Your rival keeps trying to seduce him, but you just turn a blind eye, but deep down, your heart aches. He tries his best to win your heart, and you eventually fall for his charms and personality, thinking that he's really good looking too.

How do they ask you out?: Hugs you from behind and tells you how much you mean to him.

Rival: Nam Jihyun (4minute)


--Be Ma Girl?--

Username w/ profile link: amanda_low98 (hyperlink)

Activeness:(8 of 10)

Password: A Teen Top gif? No problem :)




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