Nervous... Another Piercing! Advice Would Be Lovely!

Hi, bloggers!!!!!


Sooo... I finally convinced my mom to let me get another piercing. And she said yes, she'll take me tomorrow, if she gets home early.


It's been a while since I got my last one, and I've completely forgotten the whole process... and the pain.


It's another ear piercing... so... any advice? To deal with any pain or nervousness? It's be much appreciated....


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babygirladdy #1
PS - I'm slightly late getting to this so if you've already done it and still have any questions the piercer didn't answer never hesitate to call and ask them the next day. lol
babygirladdy #2
In all honesty I've done all of my own piercings myself and never numbed them because they didn't hurt so much it wasn't unbearable. (Period cramps are probably worse than piercings half the time. LOL) Though it really does just depend on where it's going (lobes = mostly flesh and a bit of fatty material, cuffs = cartilage and may pinch more) If it's done with a piercing gun it should really be over and done with before you even have a chance to register any pain. lol If you are getting them professionally done, the person doing your piercings should (by law they're supposed to... if they don't there's a problem. lol) tell you how to care for your piercings when they're done and go through a lineup of things you can do. If they don't go through this (before or after - whichever you feel most comfortable with) don't hesitate to ask them. Most of the basics are simply to keep it clean (soap and water and/or alcohol / peroxide should do it), keep your piercing stud in until it's completely healed (they can give you a time estimate but it really varies person to person)- some extra tips would be to put a bit of Neosporin around the piercing area and twirl the stud to get it down in there. That can help reduce the healing time. You'll also need to occasionally twirl the ring (with freshly clean hands and it's easier to do when you're already cleaning it) to make sure the skin doesn't heal too closely around the stud itself and keep it open. Otherwise, just make sure to keep an eye on it and if it starts feeling sore, looking swollen or red, or becoming irritated - try cleaning it more, use Neosporin more often, OR look into what kind of material the stud is made from in case you may have an allergy to the metal. Until your piercing has had time to heal over, try not to take the stud out unless there's a serious problem, as it can close up fairly fast before it's healed completely. (even after occasionally lol) Good Luck!
ShineeJongKey #3
First of all...Why get ANOTHER piercing?!(*sorry...going off topic here...*):P<br />
Anyway, i think you should try biting onto someting...maybe a hard piece of rubber or leather :D<br />
That's what they used to do in the old days(*i did a bit of research...*)<br />
Practically speaking, i think using an ice cube to numb the earlobe first would be a good idea.<br />
It hurts less this way!
Lets see. Imagine its like your being pinched. <br />
Kapish? Okay. :D<br />
But the pain soon goes away. Sometimes the pain depends on where you get the piercing. BTW. <br />
You need to be careful, the older you are the more bones you have in your ear so that means if you get another piercing at the age of what... I dunno 17? It will hurt like so do becareful. :D<br />
Another quick an easy way is to get them both clipped at the same time, because I got mine done one at a time which hurt. Alot.<br />
=.=. Anyways there's your advice. :D
kolmilyo #5
i got my tongue pierced.<br />
it was uncomfortable on the first few days and i kept chewing it but then after that i became accustomed to it's like it's been there all my life.<br />
i'm probably taking it off one of these days though.
i only have ear peircings but i know that it didnt really hurt.. i want a nose pericring but my parents r agianst it
1. Don't have her/him count to three! That usually makes it so much worse.<br />
2. It's no big deal! Ask anyone, and they'll tell you that it's just a quick pinch and then it's done. (They're right about that.)<br />
3. I only have an ear piercing, but when I got older they closed up, so I had to get them repierced. I remember both times being quick and painless. It'll look aweesome!! Update us on how it goes.<br />
Good luck! Which piercings do you have already/what are you going to get?<br />
I have Key's conch piercing... (Yes, I'm a copycat... XD) I did it myself and barely felt it- and I have a pretty low tolerance for pain. It was just breaking the skin in the back that hurt. >.< I'm gonna get my tragus done when I turn eighteen in like a month and a half... Don't wanna attempt that on my own... :P<br />
Anywho, the pain isn't really that bad, just take some ibuprofen beforehand if you're worried about it. Oh, and of course you'll want to to sleep on the opposite side for the first couple nights. Uhm I always keep a bottle of hydrogen peroxide around. Just dip a Q-tip in and apply it to your piercing… It doesn’t hurt at all and it keeps it from getting infected. :) Although, they might give you something to clean your piercing… Well, if they don’t, hydrogen peroxide works great. :)<br />
Don’t be nervous! Remember, this is a professional who has done it several times! Listen to some music on your way there... SHINee's Ready Or Not always seems to get me ready for just about anything. XD
well I got a cartilage, but don't worry the pain is momentary, but what I did for the nervousness was looking around and forgetting what I was going to do, Good luck:3 which piercing will you get??
I got my ears pierced when I was four, so I don't remember one bit of what it was like. I have no advice, sorry. :/ I wanna get a second piercing on each ear...but I'm a bit scared of the pain.
i want the same thing! i have one in each ear, but i want two more in each ear...and i forget what it feels like XD good luck!