When Misfits Meet Application { Kwon Jiyeon }



{the misfit princess}


 oh my god!

   Name: Rachelle

    Profile: Did Her Highness call for me?

    Activeness: 9-10 { inactive on weekends }

   she's my lady!


   Character NameKwon Jiyeon

    Age / Birthday: 20 | 6th August 1992

    Height: 168cm.

    Weight: 56kg.

    Ulzzang: Park Sora



    Style | 

Jiyeon is predominantly extravagant when it comes to clothes; she's a budding fashionista that is defined through the grandeur of brand names, exquisite details, and elaborate decorations. Despite her wrecked budget, Jiyeon stubbornly perseveres to maintain her princess-persona. She adorns herself in pricey dresses and skirts, fulfilling the regal look to its fullest content with pastel colors and by accessorizing heavily, whether it be with Juicy Couture bracelets, Betsy Johnson bracelets or Prada footwear.

    Backup ulzzangYurim



   bang bang!


1. drinking tea (particularly oolong)
2. origami/folding paper cranes
3. botany (flowers)
4. sweet potatoes
5. fashion design
6. pastels (colors)
7.  china (teasets | she collects them)
8. reading novels



1. sunny weather
2. soda
3. anyone who accuses her of being wrong
4. underestimation of her performance/progress
5. insects 
6. anything that is not classical music
7. compact spaces



1. chews on the inside of her cheeks when feeling anxious
2. blinks rapidly, takes heavy breaths when about to cry
3. whenever she finishes her drink, she'll play with her straw (bend it, bite on it, etc.)
4. folds origami cranes whenever she's feeling too overwhelmed
5. glares off into space/nothingness when angered, but doesn't want to express her agitation



1. fashion design | draws and sketches her own outfits, and creates them using her own materials during leisure time
2. origami | she finds solace in folding paper cranes and results to origami when she feels like she's about to 'explode'
3. playing cello
4. reading fashion blogs to find inspiration for her own works 
5. shopping



1. Jiyeon's favorite colours are lavendar are baby blue
2. she has a cup of oolong tea at least twice a day
3. she collects tea sets and keeps them in a glass case in the corner of her bedroom
4. she has folded more than a thousand paper cranes since she's started origami paper folding
5. deep sleeper
6. this is, so far, her favorite sketch she's drawn and is in the process of making


{ korean jesus } Kwon Jiyeon is a goddess. She is a holy entity that deserves to be revered and worshipped on a daily basis by her peers. This was how she perceived herself to be, and this is how she will forever deem herself. Jiyeon is quite narcissistic, an obvious result of being pampered and favored since birth. As the youngest offspring, Jiyeon was treated like a goddess' deity, a holy reincarnation of Venus; she was decorated with love and affection, pampered and adorned with care. Jiyeon was spoiled to time's end, never denied, and always granted a grandeur of wishes.

{ so baby just go; i said i don't really need you no more } Jiyeon has a superiority complex that provides her with an independent mindset. She's strong-willed and works well when she's alone. This sense of individualism was enhanced after her family's sudden downfall in reputation and wealth; she began to seek solace in her lonesome, leaving herself with paper cranes and china tea sets. She began to grow judgmental, belittling anyone that seemed powerful enough to possibly drag her down even further. This outcasted her even more than she should, but with her haughty exterior, she played it off, and maintained the image of her princess-persona, despite her current lack of revenue.

{ take it slow.. yeah, right } Jiyeon has a very reckless, impulsive behavior. She's often making rash decisions without thinking them over, and gets herself into lots of trouble because of it. She's blunt, and speaks before she thinks. She acts before she thinks, as well; and it doesn't help that she is naturally forgetful and clumsy. In addition, her sarcastic and witty sense of humor adds onto her frank candor, giving her a sharp tongue, as well as an acute mind. She's ruthless when it comes to expression her dogmatically stubborn statements, and stands for her strong-willed beliefs. She hardly backs down when she makes a decision, as they are all immutable.

{ twinkle } Spoiled. Showered with affection. She's never worked a day in her life, and cant work to save her own life. She buys what she likes, acts the way she wants, speaks her mind, and seeks adventure day and night. Her way of getting away with it all? Her Venus-like appearance. With her long flowing hair, and milk skin, with her doe-like eyes and apple cheekbones to match, Jiyeon gets away with her looks. She's beautiful on the outside, glimmering and shimmering with poise; her pores bleed swagger, and she knows it. It fuels her ego, and steams her judgmental, materialistic personality and character even more so.

   come back again!


Kwon Hyun Suk | 56yrs. | Appa-Father | music producer (former) | intelligent, self-efficient, hostile, austere | not too close


Kwon Yuna | 49 yrs. | Umma-Mother | retired actress | haughty, mischievious, meddling, careless | quite distant


Kwon Jiyong | 24 yrs. | Oppa-Brother | freelance rapper-aspiring composer | affectionate, protective, caring, selfless | they're practically conjoined


    Family Background:

Music producer father + actress mother = amazingly blessed childlife. They were the ideal family; with the fortune, with the big house, the nice cars, the maids and butlers -- they were the entire package. It was like they were magically crafted by one of the movie directors, or better yet - pulled straight out from a cliched family film.

It was all glitz and glam for Jiyeon, having been born with a silver spoon in . Pampered all throughout her life, Jiyeon had never quite grasped the full concept of reality or what it's like to be denied, until her family fell down to the dumps. Her father's bands were losing face and were slowly being overshadowed by profusely successful rookie groups. Consequently, he was placed into a temporary hiatus, halting all sorts of income or revenue for his company; and as a result, his company fell to the dumps, being left forgotten and abandoned. After that, no one has ever heard of K.Won Records after that. It didn't help that her mother was forced out of the business, too, for being too old. Eventually, all sorts of wealth halted, and Jiyong, Jiyeon's elder brother was forced out of music post-grad schooling, as he was no longer able to pay his tuition fees.

The slow decline of their reputation led the family to drieft apart, leaving only Jiyeon's relationship with her brother the only withstanding kinship within the Kwon clan. The turbulent waves of reality suddenly hit Jiyeon and Jiyong, leaving the two siblings distraught and disconent with their current situations. Lost, oblivious, and terribly naive with the sudden "real-world-aspect", the two are shunned and outcasted instantaneously. Jiyeon and her brother are then left to fend for themselves and each other as their parents work to restore their reputations, and are left to protect one another from the mind-blowing attacks that life seems to give them every five minutes.

Nothing could've been worse at the point.

But then, oh wait. Jiyeon's then kicked out of her sorority! Boo.



Gong Minji (2ne1) | 21yrs. | university student-heiress to Gong Co. Tech | optimistic, clumsy, outspoken


Park Bom (2NE1) | 21yrs. | university student-heiress to Candy Sweet Attire | reserved, cold, distant

    Best Friends: 

A la partner in crime

Lee Hayi (solo) | 20yrs. | university student-daughter to CEO of Asia Corps. Finance | haughty, vain, close-minded



Lee Soonkyu aka Sunny (SNSD) | 20yrs. | university student-heiress to Cheonha Inc. | cunning, melodramatic, easily jealous, disparaging | Ever since Jiyeon had been accepted into ΔX, she had Yoona's attention from the start. With Yoona's dream to be a professional singer someday, Jiyeon was easily casted into her favorites list, casting Soonkyu out even further down. It was already bad that Soonkyu was hardly ever noticed to begin with; Yoona only acknowledged her with a curt nod, sometimes a wave if she was lucky. But since Jiyeon entered ΔX, Yoona didn't even spare poor Soonkyu a glance. This caused Soonkyu to grow overwhelmingly envious of the attention the new pledge (Jiyeon) was receiving, and prompted Soonkyu to plan any form of sabotage to plot against Jiyeon. The opportunity came at the best chance when news broke out about Jiyeon's bankruptcy -- Soonkyu was the first to inform Yoona about it. Jiyeon felt instantly betrayed, as she has always viewed Soonkyu as an equal pledge.



    Why do you want to join Nu Sigma Rho? Jiyeon's sense of betrayal opened the young princess' eyes about the harsh reality of backstabbing pains and painful counter-relations between enemies and foes. Clouded by the hurt she endured because of Soonkyu's backlash, Jiyeon joins Nu Sigma Rho with a deflated ego, in hopes of retaliating against the girls that tossed her aside the second she became worthless. Also to experience what it's like to bear actual friends at her sides, Jiyeon joins the newly formed sorority with a heavy heart, hoping to experiment new things.

     In the house who are you the closest to?  the actress, the leader, the follower, the freshmeat, the nerd, the badass


   what  is love?

    Love Interest: Kai-Kim Jongin

    Age / Birthday: 20 | 4th January 1992

    How did you two meet? 

Kai is at his usual spot in the secluded corner of the school's main quad; he's sitting on the ledge of the fountain reading through his notes for the test he has next period when he hears a low cry. It's a light sound, muffled and almost inaudible, but it's coming from behind him. He turns hesitantly, instantly regretting it when he sees Jiyeon slumped over the fountain, hands cluting the edge with her cheeks stained with a humiliated flush and distressed tears. Sighing, he closes his books. His study time was seriously going to be lost, but if people saw that he just ignored a weeping girl, what would that say about him? (this is at the time Jiyeon just got kicked out of her sorority) He had to help at least help stop the tears.

    His Personality:

He's an awfully charming guy with a mysterious facade that draws in the attention of his peers. He's venomously sarcastic and extremely witty, as his ego is fueled by his ingenious intelligence and subtantially impressive work ethic. He's blunt, and has a low fuse; he's also temperamental, but that just adds to the cool, dark persona he parades around with. He's monotonous, for the most part, but will crack one of his million-dollar smirks that can make even the ahjusshi-professors swoon -- this is a rarity however, and only seen by those he deems "worthy".

    How do you act around them?

Altogether, Jiyeon starts off distant and hostile, seeing as how he's from a lower social standing than she is. She deems him unworthy at first and questions his actions; however, as he begins to help her adjust to her "new life" more and more, Jiyeon slowly breaks down the tough exterior and slowly lets herself develop acceptance to the cool guy that's.. not really all that cool. She still questions him, however, keeping a dubious nerve stored away, but eventually allows herself to let loose around him, seeing that he gradually does the same with her.


     Backup love interest:

Tao-Huang Zitao

   anything else?

    If you do not land a major role, would you still like to be part of the story?:

Oh, yes please! c:


I hope you like her! Good luck to choosing the girls, and to the story! So far, all the "teasers" were definitely worth my time reading, and I can't wait to see more from you (it's hard to believe it's your first apply fic, HAHHAA)

Also, for the ulzzangs and love interests, I don't care who you choose. I'm just going to leave it up to you to decide which ulzzang/love interest suits the character more c:

Also, thanks for the consideration~

    Scene requests:

If there ever is a kiss scene, maybe it could be imperfect, rather than the other way around. Maybe one of the two messes up, and they end up bumping foreheads or something, HAHA. I don't know, I'm pretty cliched, sorry.

    Password: Taeyang - Take it Slow


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