aigoo, i just can't get enough with this group!!! and the boys too.. they just can't get enough with us~~ xDxD

first they in SBS MTV Diary along VIXX & JJ Project.. Showing their daily life and randomness.. 

Not enough with MTV Diary, they make a video for their fancafe which Hyunsik be the MC and the show called "Lim Hyun Sik's Sik Sense" where Hyunsik randomly asking how the kids do in season 1, now it reach season 2 more to play game~~ randomness Hyunsik daebak!! OUH MY HYUNSIK~~

Now, B+ Diary coming to us!! MTV make a special reality show just for them!!!  Ouh my gosh!! thanks SBS MTV!!! i've watch several picture of the in B+ Diary and I WANT TO WATCH THE EPISODE SO DAMN MUCH!!! MY HYUNSIK!!!!



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/dies *u*~~~