Block B gets...O.O WHAT?! Ain't that some bull...

WHAT THE MAN! I'm ing pissed!

So TELL ME why The Ministry of Gender Equality and ABSOLUTE ERY BANNED Block B's song "Freeze" for THE SECOND ING time?!

Oh and get this ...

They gave no reason whatsoever

no Not cool at all...

Please pardon my English...I just feel like Block B has been ted on quite enough. Like what gives?

I can't believe I just got so mad I teared up...they might as well sing Mary had a little goddamn lamb or the Teletubbies theme song...


But look on the brighter side Block B babies are going on all SOLD OUT 4-city Japanese Showcase Tour next month.


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Block B singing disney songs, Mickey? In that case, I would be part of Block B cause I can sing most every disney song. lol<br />
Why did they band Freeze AGAIN?!?!?! ing dumb s >.< pardon my french.
>.< i already vented my frustrations to sharona about this lolz. honestly, there was nothing wrong with the lyrics the first time. and...4 city japanese showcase tour???????? :3 ♥♥♥♥♥
yeah boy~ lol the Ministry is stupid >.< they ban everything. B.B may as well sing Disney songs...<br />
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I'd like to see that.. O.O