"Because Youtube is being a meanie, I shall just post my Rickjoe comics here."

Some of you, have seen my, Rickjoe comic #1: "The day Ljoe left for New York" video. 
Youtube has taken it down, along with my "Rickjoe-GIve your heart a break" music video.

I'm so sorry you guys! I will try my best to prevent this from happening again.

But from now on, my videos are unlisted, but don't worry, I will post links on my tumblr and on here.

In any case, I'm so sorry for being such a dead author, so much has been happening, plus I'm sick.

Anyways, after I finish updating, I will redo my Rickjoe comic and post it asap!

Thank you for being the best supporters to me! I love you guys alot. Just thank you from the bottom of my heart!


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get well soon,, aah i love that comics.. :(
omg ur sick too?! get well soon Angel-ah! D: