the truth about forever /sarah dessen

So my friend recommended this book to read, and I just finished, and omfg, /spazz.


I was actually quite skeptical about this author at first, because I've been quite disappointed in many books in genera (-coughmessageinabottlebynicholassparkscough-), but holy crap, this book was perfect.

I'm not even joking, I have nothing, absolutely nothing to complain about it, not plot-wise or anything. It's been a while since I've read a good book, so I'm happy :)


Style-wise, the writing was perfect, in my opinion. It was just sort of similar to my writing, the style that I've always wanted to have (but am still laboring over ;___;). It didn't outline the plot for you, like lay it out immediately. There are many twists and turns where the story just goes back in time or ties something in. I also like how she tied everything together at the end of the story, and the last paragraph was just asdfghj. The characterization, the importance of each character, it's so perfect it makes me want to cry. Every chapter is started off simply, making you wonder, but nothing over fancy, and I just love it like that.

And omg, plot-wise. Everyone's just happy in the end, you know. They get rid of their static lifestyles and they become more.... happy... The main character, her mother, they all changed. It just makes you feel content in the end :D

Ugh guys, it's just so perfect go read it.

I am so checking out more of her books.

After I finish Battle Royale (happy happy, it came in the mail~)

And Lord of the Flies.

And cry over A Tale of Two Cities, because, , the last line had me bawling my eyes out in class.


My birthday is tomorrow, so I'll probably update tomorrow. Or today. Or maybe not at all. Depending on how fast I do my homework. But guys, I promise I'm working on the HunHan story :)


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I just read finish 'Frostfire' and 'Daughter of the flames', and wow, I was impressed <3 Both of the books are by Zoe Marriott. :D
I havent read a book in MONTHS. I will gladly.listen to.ur.recommendations :)