D:EA Application Form









Full korean name :

Nickname : *

Age : [ 17 | 18 | 19 ]

D.O.B. : *

Height : *

Blood type : *

Birthplace : *

Hometown : *

Ethinicity/Nationality : * 

Languages : (Max. 4) *

Personality : *Bullet point and a little detail.

Likes : (Bullet form. 5+) *

Dislikes : (Bullet form. 4+) *

Habits : (Bullet form. 3+) *

Phobia : (Bullet form. 1+) *

Hobbies : (Bullet form. 5+) *

Trivias : (Bullet form. 5+) *




Colorsof thePast

Background: (2 paragraphs and be creative. Don't make it to much drama)

Interesting moment with family:


Idol / Ulzzang name: (you can use idol)

Pictures : x | x | x | x | x |

Back-up idol / ulzzang name: (Chorong taken.)

Pictures : x | x | x |

Styles : (1 paragraph )




Parents: (Name | Age | Occupation | Personality | Are you close. Just answer yes or no) *

Siblings / Cousins: (Name | Age | Occupation | Personality | Are you close) (Max. 2 for idols) *

Best friends : (Name | Age | Occupation | Personality | How did she/he react around you) (Max. 2) *




Rivals : (Name | Age | How did you meet her/him | How her react around you) (One only) *


(love interest) Who is the guy and from what group? : 

Age and D.O.B : 

Personality : *

Relationship : 

How did you meet him? :


(your admirer) Who is the guy and from what group?: 

Age and D.O.B:


Relationship : 

How did you meet him? :


What's your position : Lead Vocalist, Dancer

Persona : (be creative :D )

Dancing skills : (hyperlink. 1)

Rapping skills : (hyperlink. 1)

Singing skills : (hyperlink. 1)

Stage name : (optional) *

Why did you audition? : 

How you got in? : 


Songs you want to include in the album : 

Why would I choose you? :

Did I forgot something? :

Question + Request + Comment + Anything else? : 





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lovelyme23 #1
Is this an application form?