Like or Like Like? by TheBlobMaster

Story Title: Like or Like Like?
Story Author: TheBlobMaster
Reviewer: beautifullyswagx

Title: 5/5
For the title of your one-shot, I would give it a 5! Why? Because when I read the title, it made me kind of think about ‘like? Or like like?’ and it made me want to read it.

Appearance: 0/5
Hmm…well I can’t really give you points for the appearance because you didn’t really have and poster, or a background, so…

Foreword/Description: 6/15
I’m going to give you 6, because you didn’t put too much information, which is good and it makes the readers to actually want to read on to your fiction or to click the next chapter.

Originality: 10/10
You got a perfect 10! Why? I’ve read some fictions before and yours is truly different. I usually get tired of most of them, because they are always the same as the other ones, but yours aren’t like them.

Plot: 5/5
The plot for your story is good, all the members of INFINITE are slowly going to the one-shot; which is good because most people who makes one-shots always leave a member or two out. But you included everyone; which is amazing (since I love INFINITE). Also the plot is good because it made me want to keep on reading throughout because of how MyungSoo questions himself if he like likes Hoya.

Flow: 5/5
Flow of story is good as well, it’s not going to fast or too slow; it’s just right.

Characterization: 10/10Hehehe..As you already know, I like INFINITE and like how I mentioned it on the ‘plot’ section, I’ll give you a 10!

Grammar:  23/35
There were a few; most are either the spelling, or the words.

[“Never said anything about a female.”]
Correction: “I never said anything about a female.”

[“I demand you tell me right this instant who it is. I know him right?”]
Correction: “I demand you to tell me right this instant who he is. I know him, right?”

[MyungSoo had always found HoWon the most beautiful like this It was as if he finally was in his right element.]
Correction: MyungSoo had always found HoWon the most beautiful like it was as if he was in his right element.

[He knew he was going to get rejected, so why did he have spill his feelings?]
Correction: He knew that he was going to get rejected; so why did he have to tell him his feelings?

[They kept on kissing, for what seemed like an eternity, that is until the rest came.]
Correction: They kept on kissing, for what seemed like an eternitythat is, until the rest came.

[“Dammit HoWoon! And I just gathered them all so we could cheer you up!”]
Correction: “Dammit HoWon! I just gathered them so we could all cheer you up!”

Bonus: 10

Total: 74/100

Letter Grade: B


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