Should I Change Myself?

Basically my blog title explains everything. Well, not everything. 

Seriously, I always come across with these thoughts :-

"Should I dressed up a little bit more so that boys will recognised me?"

"Should I be more feminine and talk like a girl with boys?"

"Should I change?"

"Should I stop fighting and joke roughly with them?"

Let me tell you guys a little bit about myself.

Hello, I'm a girl. A fifteen years old girl that is going to be sixteen in two more months. I'm a little bit boyish as I grow up with boys although I have three sisters and a brother. I spend a lot of my childhood, growing up with my male cousins who created who I am today. I don't like dresses, I don't like heels, I don't like wearing my traditional clothes, baju kurung. I don't like be friend with girls who are so girly. I don't gossip about boys.

I've been in a relationship three times. The first one was with a boy, older than me but it was more like brother-sister relationship. The second one was more like friendzoned? The boy was friendzoned. The third one lasted like 8 hours because I couldn't take the feelings of being someone's girlfriend?

Let me be honest. I don't like this girlfriend-boyfriend thing. I don't like to call the boy that I like 'baby', 'honey','sweetie' or anything. It disgust me. Believe me or not, I used to burst out of laughter in front of my two friends who dated each other since they call each other 'baby'. I JUST DON'T LIKE IT.

Now, something happened. I have a crush on somebody that I moved on earlier this year. I've been crushing on him like for three years and he found out when I was 13 and he found out again because I texted him. I liked him back because I've start dreaming about him and I basically remember all those dreams that have him in it. He's like the most perfect guy in my world.He's nice, he's a super genius, he's cute, he's sweet. Most of my friends are supporting me. I was so happy because my friend told me that he's shy around girls. When I texted him, asking whether I can be his friend or not, he said yes. My friend said I was lucky. He also replied my facebook messages when he was at Langkawi Island where he didn't use a smartphone. I was so happy because of those little things c:

Since I liked him so much, I think maybe I should change or not. He's the type that doesn't want to have a girlfriend till 20 and I really want to be his bestfriend and be the person where he shares everything with me :\

Maybe I just should be more feminine and stop fighting with guys.

P/S : Fighting with boys mean fighting without fists. I appeared to be tough around them because I don't want to be hurt like my friends. I basically punch them on their arm or something like that. They can't do nothing because I'm a girl. \m/ We usually curse each other. Just something like that :]


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i agree with every single on here. do not change. the best way to catch a guy's heart is being yourself. my cousin is exactly like you. she grew up with guys and she is a major tomboy. alot of guys like her because she's just so real. she's not fake, she doesn't pretend and she doesn't act indfferent around them. so yea BE YOURSELF KID! IT ALWAYS WORKS! :p
You don't have to change yourself. I'm sure he likes the way you are now. Besides, our history is just the same (well, except the fact that I only been in a relationship once). But trust me, just stay to be who you are now.
Hey, I don't think we've talked, but I'm a college student and I think I can help you out since I've been there!

To me it sounds like you aren't completely emotionally ready for a boyfriend. I am NOT saying you're immature, because you are clearly very mature if you are able to analyze the situation like this. I was a lot like you at your age- a little less tomboyish than you, but very similar. Guys made me uncomfortable in romantic situations for reasons I couldn't explain.

To answer your question, a big fat NO. NEVER change yourself for a guy. I know you've probably heard that before, but it's very true, trust me. Just like any person, a guy does not want to be 'tricked.' If you try to act like something you're not, you'll eventually tire of pretending. It's natural to be the way you are. A guy that likes you and appreciates you for who you are is the best guy for you. Think of it this way- if a guy likes you for who you are pretending to be, then he doesn't really like the REAL you. And that's sad. :(

So don't change yourself for anyone, whether it's a boy or a friend or whatever! ^_^
Hey, we're the same age so maybe I can help you out though I'm not experienced with relationships.

You should never change yourself just to impress. Be yourself, physically and mentally. You'll have friends and a perfect boyfriend somewhere in the future who like you for you. Teens don't get all the glory, its mostly crap during high school.

When you're in a relationship, communication is the key! If your boyfriend is doing something you don't feel comfortable with, tell him!

About your crush if he really wants a girlfriend until he's 20, you have to wait for him if you really do like him. I don't want to be like those people who says "Follow your heart!" Your heart only pumps blood through your body, ahaha. Think over really carefully on the choices you're about to make.

I hope I've helped you! You're free to talk to me whenever you have troubles, I'll be here and will respond right away! ^^;