I am wierd lol

Sup yo~!

Lol I just noticed one thing about myself.. Yes it's like 11:45 and I am thinking again... >->

Anyways As I was writing (:D) I noticed one thing about myself and that is that I have barley any friends in my own country lol but I have friends like all over the world xDD

I am a person that doesn't like the people in their own country, except for my true friends and rather speak to people around the world because I am very facinated with the different cultures :>

Yes I am wierd lol

Tbh I don't like my country because it's so boring here xD

Seriously nothing fun happends here! Well maybe a Simple Plan or a Green Day consert every now and then but that is like it. Heck I am not even allowed to go to SP's or GD's conserts for my parents!! That D:

Anyways back to the subject!! (Did I ever leave the subject? o.o IDK I'm tired okay?!)

I just want to explore the world before I die or have kids >-> Hahaha so that means that I have to save my money like some crazy and stop buying bubblegum and coffee all the time!!!

It's gonna be hard ;_; I am addicted to bubblegum and coffee ;;_;;

Well yeah I think I'm gonna end it here before it get's to wierd xDD




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