The Rant; #1 "Asians trying to be White"

Okay. Big, big, big, big, rant.

So, today, I went to the mall and this stupid - what even - girl was whispering to her friend saying that I, ME, am trying to look white. The hell? Apparently, the way I dress and the way I look automically justifies the idea of me trying to look 'white'.

Excuse me? Just because I have natural brown hair and a half double lid, doesn't justify ANYTHING about being white. How can you even DEFINE 'white' or what a white person does? Just because a majority of white people have a certain characteristics that Asians share, doesn't clarify anything about us trying to be or mimicking white people. If a white person eats kimchi, does that make them Asian? NO. The ignorance of this whole idea of labeling others with a race is just RE-TAR-DED.

Okay, yeah, I wanna get contact lenses. I want BLUE contact lenses. I want blue contact lenses because I think blue is a nice color for eyes. I don't want them because I want to look WHITE. People need to understand that it's 2012, and it is NOT okay to be stereotyping people by race. Since when, SINCE. WHEN. did double eye lids and blue eyes become "white"? What about a pale skin tone? I'm NATURALLY pale, not freaking YELLOW. Just because I'm pale, does that make me white? NO.

So don't go around and start saying that people have to be 'certain' way. White people don't need double eye lids, Asians don't all have "slanty" eyes, African Americans don't have to speak like a hoodlum and Hispanics don't all have the 'accent' that people label them to have. My friends are Hispanic and people make fun of them saying they're trying to be white because they speak in an AMERICAN accent when in fact, they've lived in AMERICA all their lives.

This whole thing with labeling others by race is just retarded.



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i concur. i see lots of white people who deliberately get tans haha.
but that doesn't make them asian-try hards LOLOL