1st semester 3rd honor


Another reason why I can’t be online as often like I used to back in high school. I’m prioritizing my studies just for the sake of passing and of course my papa’s image. He is a terror and it would be so awful if his daughter couldn’t reach his standards. Anyway I still got a low grade because of math. Instead of being a 2nd honor, I flop down on being the third because of having a grade of 2.00 in here, being 1st honor you shouldn’t have any grade below 1.00 with average of 1.50 and second grade is no grade below 1.75 with average 1.50 lastly in 3rd, no grade below 2.00 with average of 1.75


My average grade was 1.41


So here were my final grades in 1st semester

Religious studies 111                                                               1.25

Computer studies 100                                                             1.00

Economics 111                                                                         1.75

Filipino 112                                                                            1.00

Physical education 112                                                             1.00

History 111                                                                             1.50

English 111                                                                              1.25

ACM 11                                                                                   1.00

SRA                                                                                        1.50

Mathematics 105                                                                      2.00

CWTS                                                                                     1.50


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Wow, keep study hard :)
Congrats :)
wow congrats, so proud and happy for you ^-^