Members of EXO who got injured. Pray for them please? (rant at btm)

I'm quite frustrated with the staff of SMTOWN yesterday.

Yes, the rain couldn't be prevented. To those who didn't know, the rain was lasted about 2hours+. I was there with my cousin and we spent the afternoon sitting under a shelter getting cramps. It was said they mopped the stage, but it was still slippery.

The translator was awful. I'm sorry, I just couldn't stand her voice. She kept cutting people off (she got owned by Onew too lol) most likely because she couldn't remember what the idols said. She kept stuttering too.

The typist who introduced Xiumin, Chen, and Suho as "Xiumin" and Lay as "Ray".

There were also technical difficulties. There was supposed to be 2 big screens, and one of them couldn't work halfway.

As a Singaporean, I'm disappointed with the staff, the management to be precise.


I can't say how ing upset I am right now.


EXO performed History first and MAMA. JUST LOOK AT LAY. DOES HE LOOK ALRIGHT? NO.



I'm just glad he seemed okay for Hope at the end. Or maybe he was trying to be happy. But stay strong okay?


I'm not going to go into the other members of SMTOWN who got injured yesterday, only EXO.

Kris fell twice, Kai and Tao slipped < credit from a fanbase of twitter, don't know if it's true.

Sehun and Baekhyun slipped (thank god he didn't fall. kinda cute actually):

During the rehearsals, Chanyeol injured his arm and Xiumin injured his leg.

Can we all take a moment to pray for all of them to be alright? They still have another SMTOWN at Bangkok and idk, they're so hurt I could cry TT.TT


All gifs belong to rightful owners. I do not own anything.




I'm so damn ing pissed right now. Some may think I'm overreacting, some say all Lay fans are baby-ing him and stupid for crying over him. Well YOU.

Let's put you on a slippery stage, and it was your first SMTOWN performance (not as if you could be an sm artist) and you wanted to give your best and show the other fandoms how great you are too, and you slipped and fell. You gave it your all and you ing fell, infront of so many people. And since you're going to be a about this whole thing, no one would care about you.

It's really sad how us fans can't seem to do anything but watch. It seriously ing hurts. Lay gave it his all, tried his best and he would BLAME himself for falling. He's ing injured and all you haters just say that he's alright? Let me push you down a flight of stairs and then say you're alright. Don't ing use one's injury to insult someone. Come on, even if I saw someone I hate falling, I'd cringe. And depending on the situation, I might laugh. But who's so heartless to continue insulting the injured? That's equivalent to laughing at the elderly because they are old. YES, IT DOES NOT MAKE SENSE.

Maybe I'm crazy into the fandom, but my heart goes out to everyone who fell and slipped. In the beginning of history Sehun slipped as well.

Ugh. I'm so hunting that who started insulting Lay and I'm so gonna burn her ing house down.



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baoZicaekeu #1
ugh! /sobshard
i was once fell on a slippery floor and it was damn so hurt,,

poor my baby Lay, im crying :(
omg..crying //sobs T.T
zerramin #4
Poor Lay...
Can't they like check the floor if its safe or not? They just let them slip and fall like its for their own good.
-purplebunny #5
OMG. I get off from the internet for a few days and the first thing I see when I finally log on is Lay slipping in front of a crowd while doing his best to dance History.

Darn it. Slippery floors haven't aggravated me like this before. Someone wipe the damn floors.
But it's an accident and accidents are unavoidable.
Even without the "slipping" incident, I think Lay's injury isn't fully healed yet. =( Anybody who laughs or makes fun of that should get their heads checked.
Actually lots and lots of SM artists have slips in the rain. With their debut song and on live TV. The weather can't be helped and I'm sure they'll be fine. I feel that Lay just wants to perform, even though he's injured. :/
Wow.......*praying for a few minutes*
Okay now where is the house that needs to be burned really is messed up and is you exo*quick recovery prayer*
13seconds #8
FIRST. WHAT THE HELL? Can't there be shelters or something to prevent the rain from making the floor wet? I can't blame the translators though, fans were screaming so they could be nervous and all that. But technical difficulties are just crappy excuses for the staff at MBS. Couldn't they even do like triple checks on the screen and all that? And didn't they even have any plans for rainy weather? I felt that they didn't handle this situation well, what are the people at SM going to think of Singapore now?

And next, I'm disappointed in you girl. ): You told me you won't be going and now you said you sat till your butts got cramps? I officially hate you. D:<

And did you see the way Yixing reacted when he fell? He was embarrassed, I mean who wouldn't if you fall in front of so many fans that love and cheer you, yet he still stood up and continued dancing. He might have sprained his ankles and nobody knows! Yet you say people think that the fans are baby-ing him? Fine, get them to fall on that stupid slippery stage and see what they could say. What are they expecting? After all, Yixing is injured, even before the performance, I believe. He still tried his best, and it's the fans' responsibility to care about their idols. So what's wrong? Just keep your mouth shut and die.
I feel disappointed of SME. Many artists got injured but they keep
make a concert. Now,they're at Bangkok,doing another concerts. Pity them.. didn't get enough rest.
Oh my gosh, that is so depressing.
oh my gosh...... T_T
AsianSensation98 #12
Aww!! D: This is so sad! I felt so sad for Lay when he slipped and for all of the other members! :( How could they let our Exo get hurt?? This is actually pretty disappointing! Nobody wants our precious boys to get injured. I'll keep them in my prayer. <3