Poor Lay at SMTOWN Singapore

SMTOWNSG UPDATE! [Lay Condition] [FanAccount] 121123 #SMTOWNSG Yixing injured. this is his worst performance ever. I want to drag him off the stage during mama end of first verse before k entered, he stopped dancing completely, crouched down. Lay must be so so disappointed in himself rn. its his only two performances yet he screwed up so badYixing fell down during start of history. Sound of Mic hitting the floor. He looked so frozen and flustered then i cried After Yixing suddenly stopped dancing during last line of mama first chorus, he ran off the stage Yixing was in so much pain he couldn’t do the footwork for mama dancebreak at all  CR : eekie xingqis  VIA : @Its_EXO(twitter) 


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