So I created a love poem.


My Love

Your skin glows like the Dragonfruit, blossoms Beautiful as the Rose in the purest hope of spring.
My heart follows your Violin voice and leaps like a Wolf at the whisper of your name.
The evening floats in on a great Phoenix wing.
I am comforted by your Coat that I carry into the twilight of Starbeams and hold next to my Hand. 
I am filled with hope that I may dry your tears of Moondust. 
As my Arm falls from my Sock, it reminds me of your Book. 
In the quiet, I listen for the last Music of the day.
My heated Eye leaps to my Hat. I wait in the moonlight for your secret CD so that we may Dance as one, Eye to Eye, in search of the magnificient Green and mystical Waffles of love.


I know this is completely random, but I laughed so hard. It's so weird.


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Well, I did make one too, but it's Siriusly random...

Once More, My Love

This night I shall dream of your bedazzling Pink hair and Tiger-eyes.
Wrapped in echoes of your mellifluous Eye-music,
I long to sip from your Starfruitful lips.
In my dreams, we fly on the exquisite winged Tomato of Silverness -- skimming vast continents of Noses and Dragons.
The depths of all the oceans of the universe shall never separate our Oranges.
Brilliant as Flying Moons, the seas greet us from afar.
In the twilight we feast on chocolate-coated Eagles and tender Starhearts of love
Adorned in white silk, we pluck our Musicing love chimes from our Hearts.
I press the Tardis that you wear around your neck against my Nose-muffin so that our Starfruits melt into one.
You will always be my little Keky-cakes face, the Tiger of my own Flying eye of love.
It's cute ^^'