L. Joe~ 생일 죽히 힙니다 이병헌/엘조!! (

생일 죽히 힙니다 이병헌/엘조 !! Happi Birthdae to our dearest Byungie / L. Joe~ Dear Baby Joe, I don’t know how to make gif’s or unbelievably amazing graphics, and I don’t know how my message will reach you over the millions of fans greeting you, and I know I can’t do much for you from halfway around the world, but I want you to know how precious you are, not only to me but to all the people who you have inspired and have gained the love of. We all love you and will forever treasure you. Just look at all these fans that you’ve inspired! One day I hope to meet you much like the rest and I want to personally tell you this message: You will forever be our Chicken Byungie > w <. You’re my inspiration and the reason why I have started pursuing my dreams. I’m already halfway there because of you~ You’ve taught me that even someone from overseas and someone who focused on becoming something through academics won’t be too late to pursue my true dreams :).  You’re AMAZING; piano, violin, composing, rapping, sweet, thoughtful, compassionate over being possessive, abusive, and er.. short? I’m shorter so I have no say in this lol. But we still love you to infinity and beyond >:3 I just watched Toy Story 3 lol. Your smile, your laugh, you may not be perfect but you’re perfect to us. We love you and we ask to please continue to do your best but take care of yourself well :) for all of us, for your friends, for Teen Top, and for your family. Take care! God Bless always~ Thank you for being you~  Love, Eun Mi <3 (I'll make this post pretty when I get home~)


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CandyToo #1
:) love your note to L.Joe... :)
I really wish he could read this... :3