Paranormal Activity -thatsnotrlyparanormalactivitybutwhutevar-



First things first


I have not seen the video yet.


Just that my friend described it as... so.... eh.


I dont know how to word it.




Lets start!


...Its like im teaching a lesson ._.


So today at school


My friend told me that she lost her lunch order in the morning at assembly(lunch orders are those things you put in this basket at school in the classroom then at lunchtime they give you lunch as long as you order it properly)


So our teacher, at lunchtime, said that she would be checking our lunches to see if they were healthy


And my friend was freaking out cuz she didnt have lunch


But then


She went to her table


And there it was.


Her forking lunch, just sitting there.


Like PearThatsNormal Activity.


I mean


She didnt put it in the lunch basket, cuz she didnt have it


No one probably put it in


Because those are some lazy asses out there. Theres money, they take, bam, its gone.


And im the person who takes the lunch order basket to the canteen and back


And it wasnt there either of the times


So how derfuq did it suddenly appear


I mean


Really, life?




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