Sunggyu and... L!

A quick blog post before I head off to school. Although Sunggyu was the one singing, the MV seems a little misunderstanding, my eyes were on L. Glaring at the girl in the MV actually. How jealous I am! T.T I want to be that girl in the MV too, T.T Okay, enough of my whining. I actually thought the MV was 60 secs but it turned out to be the song's name, AWKAWARD~


Without further ado, here:




I'mma download the whole freaking album when I am back and continue staring at the MV, especially L, my fangirl feels.. ): I WANT HIS HUGS, KISSES, TO LIE ON HIS LAP AND GET FED BY HIM TOO! WAE GOD YOU SO UNFAIR!

Okay, really should stop whining, got to go, BYE!


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saranabilah #1
well,I felt the same like you !!damn jealous
WOW!!! I LOVED IT!!! It's awseom!! ^^ and L... Aishhh lucky girl -_-