IU & Eunhyuk’s photo used on an online gaming site


The much-ballyhooed IU-Eunhyuk photo has been made into promotional material for an online video game.

An online gaming company took advantage of the widely-talked about photo for the marketing promotions. The angle of the drawn photo, the pajamas, and the mole on the female character’s cheek as well as the pose show that the photo is merely a cartoonized version of the photo.

The illustration has been taken down due to all the negative response. What do you think of the usage of the photo?


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no offence but seriously,lol,it made iu looks like a ...
But like everyone else, I also indeed find it strange and a bit rude to use such a thing to advertise their own game. Especially since IU took it down a few minutes after she posted it, most likely by accident. v_v" obviously they don't want it to circulate too much BUT NOPE! Video game decided to advertise themselves by re-publicising this agh!! ///GOTTODEFENSIVE. SORRY SODGJNDLCB
waaait? thats IU?? it looks NOTHING LIKE HER!! Poor Eunhyuk...he looks sick! I think it's rude to make their photo into a "game"....
Woa, what game is this? That's actually kinda weird their pic is in a video game