Day 1: Second Car Accident of My Life (11-15-12; 11:30AM - 12:07PM)

Day 1:

I've finally decided to write in my online blog here on AFF.  I'm going to do this for a year to see if I can accomplish it.  I may do more than one post a day, I may do short posts some days and long the others, I don't know.  Basically, I'm just writing out how I feel, what happened on days, you know, whatever.  I'm a teen, this is a normal thing to do.  Today, I'll share a little about me & an event that happened which has jolted me terribly...
First thing's first.  The name I go by (not my real name, but a nickname) is Lizzie.  I'm a high schooler, I live in TX, I personally think that whether you believe in a god, multiple gods, or any form of higher power other than your country's government is FINE since I am one of those who is not a Christian.  I believe it's wrong to judge anyone because of their race, religion, , or ual orientation (or anything else people discriminate others for). If you're one who is against any of these people, I don't care because I don't need to know that. (If you bash me and start arguing against me for my beliefs, I promise I will block you. I don't care what you talk about, just don't go judging what I believe because I'm a person who thinks otherwise. I promise you, I'm not trying to sway your beliefs or anything of that sort.) My favorite music is KPop (U-Kiss and SHINee FTW). It's not been proven by my lineage, but my crazy Chinese best friend seems to be convinced I'm Asian, though he never specifies on race. I'm a teenager and, last but not least, I love to write. (Normally my grammar is better, but I'm just going to write how I feel today.  Please ignore my run-ons, possible comma splices, and anything else that may present grammatically in this blog post.)
On to what happened today...
There I was, lying in my warm bed underneath five blankets peacefully.  Then reality intruded and I had to get up for school.  I laid there in my bed for a couple minutes, trying to wake up like any high schooler does at first.  When I felt awake enough, I got up, grabbed some clothes, took a shower, came back, messed on the computer a little bit, dried my hair, put my shoes on, and then I left the house to wait for the bus. Well, the bus came at its normal time, around 6:55ish, and I was comfortably sitting in my seat.  After we got finished picking all the other kids up, we the highway to go towards the way the school is.  Well, there was this black truck following us (I didn't know this at the time) and the girl driving went around the bus and was driving alongside it.  So we start going on a curve in the road that goes kind of hard to the right side.  While we're on the curve, the girl in the truck starts trying to pass the bus.  Her tire hit the side of the bus and her truck went down a road off from the highway and the bus goes into a grassy ditch at the side of the road.  I was shocked at what happened.  The girl in the truck was one of the younger kid's sister, so he was freaking out, and everyone else was freaking out.  When the bus had started into the ditch, it felt like the bus was fixing to tip over. (If it had, I wouldn't have come out of that alive more than likely.) It's even harder for me in this situation because
1.) I have a very active imagination
2.) I've been in a car accident before that wasn't fatal, but scared me
3.) I know people personally who have been in bad wrecks similar to this one
4.) I always get scared about these things
5.) Yesterday I had a dream about one of my relatives that I still haven't recovered from.
After all that happened, we were being asked "is everyone ok? are you hurt? etc. etc." I said I was fine, even though I was a little shaken up.  But it wasn't until we got to the school that I really started freaking out.  I was physcially shaken, I'm still shaking pretty badly, and I couldn't focus in class.  The principal called all the high schoolers to the office during the beginning of second period so we could call our parents and tell them about it.  I called my mom and I was trying hard not to cry.  She called my brother to ask him to pick me up from school and thankfully he did in fourth period.  So now, here I am, scared to death at the thought of having to ride the bus tomorrow morning. The good thing is no one got physically hurt in the accident.
Needless to say, I got hurt mentally. I think I'm going to write on my fanfic or lie down with one of my kittens. I'm just so stirred up right now.
Until tomorrow...


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