Day 9: Some Help Needed Guys... (December 22, 2012; 7:05PM - 7:41PM)

Day 9:

This is going to be like one of those quiz thingies, but this one is going to require some opinions. At least one of these will need one.
1. Will you be married in the future?
    Uhm...yeah...there're many reasons why I don't want to be married...Though, I wouldn't mind getting married with the man I currently love.
2. Do you want children?
    Of course I want children.  I love the thought of having kids. =3 Ok...not THAT part.
3. What would you name your first son?
    Alexander Smith  (What's a good middle name for this one you guys?  Please, help.  My closest guy friend and I have been talking.  He wants our son to be named Alexander Samoa Smith, but I'm against it because of the initials.  I wanted to name our son something else entirely, but we both agreed on Alexander for him. P.S. I'm not pregnant, but it's highly likely my friend and I will end up together just because of how our relationship is.)
Edit:  Now that I think about it, I kind of like Dominick as a middle name...I don't know though.
4. Your first daughter?
    Hmm...Elisabeth Rose (pronounced e-lisa-beth) or Briane Michelle. (Still not for sure on Michelle for a middle name for Briane, but Briane is definitely happening.)
5. Are you in a committed relationship?
    Yes, but we don't have a boyfriend/girlfriend relationship.  It's complicated to explain.  Just know we love each other. (Same person mentioned above.)
This is all I can do for now.  I have to let my stomach settle. The only one I need help of is the third one.  I'll come in and add more or do a Part II. OK, TALK TO YOU GUYS LATER.


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