My talk with a Korean (Plastic Surgery and Make up talk)

He said that there are many girls and guys in Korea that are naturally pretty or handsome. It's just that some of them doesn't take care of their skins, doesn't eat right and doesn't know the meaning of fashion. He told me to check out some of his old pictures. I admit that he's really disgustingly ugly (I'm sorry guys, I won't tell  or post any pictures here). People call him black duck (In Korea it is to call someone really ugly). But then, he realized "Why should I be ugly if I can be handsome?". He started buying beauty products that usually only girls would buy. But as a Korea, it's pretty usual for woman and men to buy beauty product such as moisturizers, toners, facial wash, lotions, peels, facial creams, more more cream and MAKE UP. 

He said he didn't take under a knife (or had surgery). But he admits that he's taking whitening pills because he's naturally somehow dark. Everyone in Korea wants to be pretty, including him. He became an ulzzang after his friend introduced him into ulzzang world. He's not that famous lik other ulzzangs that we see often. But he's famous aruond Seoul for being one of the pretty guys (He's naturally pretty, but not naturally white). 


Q: Make ups?

A: There are many beauty shops here in Seoul, specially in Gangnam. Gangnam is one of the most popular places when it comes to make up and other beauty shop or cosmetics items. People usually comes there to buy products or try the samplets. As for me, I have a lot of Korean products because of their density. Not like other foreign brands, Korean brands and JApanese brands are usually light and made for Asian Skin. Asian skin is usually pretty.


Q: Plastic Surgery?

A: There's also a lot of plastic surgeons here in Korea. I admit that almost most of the people in Seoul had plastic surgery or planning to. It's pretty expensive but it is affordable. I'm not actually against it, but I'm not going to get any. There are just people woh wanna be pretty all the way and wanna look attractive. When you undergo surgery, it's not just about how to change your bone lines or something. It also makes you not-so-naturally white and something else. It is not just about the making your nose look more beautiful, eyelid surgeries bla bla bla. There's also a lot of Skin Clinics here.


Q: Hair?

A: Maybe you know, but Koreans really takes a lot of care of their hair. Hair products, conditioners, air masks, hair treatments, lots of keratines. We also iron our hair before going out or at least blower it. Almost all Korean with different ages uses hai blower and hair products. We also style our hair a lot.



His side:

Koreans are much into make up. It's not just about work now, it's also for personal use such as going out for a drink and such. Some people are jst not use to guys wearing make up so they think that we're gay. Guys use it more on personal use more than for jobs. There's a lot of people who use eyeliner and BB Creams. Maybe some uses a lot of make up, but does it matter? Lots of Koreans dates are now in Hand Care clnics, bla bla. We take care of ourselves, we doesn't do magic :). 


-- Gong JinSeong


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narnia #1
Yup! I'm Korean and I agree pretty much agree fully.
If you go to the gangnam area, the ONLY thing you can see are plastic surgery places ;___;
and Myungdong is a really nice place to shop for makeup! :))