A letter to B1A4.

Dear B1A4,

Thank you. Thank you so much.

I know it seems a bit silly to be saying this, and it might even be a bit melodramatic, but you changed my life. All five of you wonderful men have made my days so much happier and brighter and just better all around. From the day you debuted up until now, no matter what mood I was in, I have always smiled because of you.

It's kinda funny how people you've never met (and maybe never will) can have such a big impact on your life. They can make you happy and give you hope and just affect you in ways they don't even know. That's what B1A4 did for me.

Jinyoung, thank you for being the leader and working hard at everything you do.

Gongchan, thank you for being so adorable and bright and showing us that it's okay to cry when we need to.

Baro, thank you for your silliness and charisma and your raps that push each song past perfection.

Shinwoo, thank you for your quiet and humble personality and how you care for your dongsaengs so much.

Sandeul, thank you for your bright smiles and your lively character and your unwavering passion for singing.

It's so inspirational to see you following your dreams and being away from home for a long time and still being strong. It's amazing to see how much effort you put into everything you and how all of you doing your absolute best to make great music. It's admirable to see how humble you are, despite having many, many fans. I'd have to say that you five boys are my role models.

I couldn't have asked for better people to be chosen, for a better group to be formed, for a better feeling in my heart when I even so much as think of you all. Even just as rookies you've come so far, and I can't wait to see where else you'll go in the coming years.

Thank you B1A4 for making me so happy, for making me smile, for making me dance like crazy. Thank you so much for everything.


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jeniscool100 #1
Awwwwww, this is so sweet! It just made me so happy when I read it! :3 <br />
Those boys are absolutely incredible, and they really do make lots of people happy! I really wish they could see this because I bet it would make them insanely happy. <3333
you are like writing a death will...