Ivy Club



   The Ivy Club Application 

hello, hello;   
username; PlanetExotic
profile link; [hyperlink!] 
what can i call you?Jacq
activity level? Everyday (: 
yessir, i'm one of a kind;
full name: Shin Hyesun
ethnicity: Korean
hometown: Gyeonggi-do 
birthdate; May 28
age; 18
languages; Mandarin, Korean, Japanese
naega chael challaga; 
On the outside, Shin Hyesun seems like every other average girl. To people, she is neither poor nor rich, lying in the large percent of the middle class. To people, she is a known push over if she is on good terms with a person, but if on bad terms with a victim, she can be of the worst and utmost nightmare. In her head, she is extremely judging, and she can't help it. She constantly looks at people and quickly judges them to a stereotype or other seemingly obvious factor. However, she is also nearly always at a struggle with herself because of this. In her head, she judges and will quickly correct herself with a line similar to "You shouldn't think that. You don't know that person." In her heart, she really strives to bea very nice person. After middle school, she wanted to go into high school as a completely new person and be very nice to nearly everyone, even people she's hated for years. She wanted to be known as the nice outgoing girl, but her meanness is still a habit, and old habits die hard.
Hyesun also gives off the 'will never have a boyfriend' aura. Most people see her as too normal or mean to have one, because of her dislike for awkward situations. She strongly disbelieves in telling people 'I love you' if she is not in a relationship with that person. She will not say it to her friends, and will mostly reply with a breif 'shut up', but they are all used to this. Also, since she hasn't had a boyfriend, she's completely engulfed herself in the idea that she does not need one and prefers to spend most of her day daydreaming about 'Mr.Perfect' if she had one. Even if approached and asked to date, she will refuse, saying that she has goals that she wishes to get accomplished before having a relationship. If being in a relationship is brought up, she would laugh and reply 'Relationships are far too much work. I'm too lazy for that.' However, on the contrary, she really wants a relationship and hopes that one day she actually will find 'Mr.Perfect'.
Hyesun is the smart-but-doesn't-try type. She's always had A's or B's but since her father's death, she has fallen into a state of denial of depression. Even when she tries, she finds it hard to concentrate and brign up her  grades, and often insults herself calling herself lazy. She is only failing one class, but still considers herself a horrible failure. She is rarely ever the type to be sad on the outside and forces herself to be happy on the inside too. She believes that her father's death is not an excuse for her slacking, and refuses to use it as one. She does not curse, fight, and only one person in the world can make her angry enough to do so.

Hyesun used to be a big bully to kids when she was younger. She was rather attention seeking during her elementary years, and ended up bullying a boy in third grade until the point where he actually cried. By this, she was shocked and immediately hugged him apologizing for everything she'd ever done to him. She was still slightly mean up until middle school, the time where she really wanted to change. She had decided that she was going to be nice, but it had already been too late. She adjusted her life with friends who, though were very quiet and intelligent during class, were also very mean and judging--worse than herself. They often said judgements aloud and she would sit awkwardly. If she ever tried to change her attitude and be kinder, they wouldnt' believe her or would judge her ask a 'fake' even more. Due to her fear of being forgotten and left alone, she forced herself to adapt to the way they did things, even if she didn't agree because she didn't want to end up being one of the people they talked about.  However, during her sophomore year in highschool (still being friends with the same people) her father died. Her friends would often joke about it, and say harsh things without even realizing it which caused her to slowly begin to hate them. Still, she would never leave their side in fear of loneliness. They weren't bullies, but when in private, they judged everyone including teachers, students, and strangers. Seh's disgusted with it and disgusted with the fact that she is still friends with them.
likes :
  • ​Dancing
  • Art
  • Cooking
  • Flower Arrangement
  • Sleeping
  • Blood
  • Romantic movies
  • Noisy people
  • Snow
  • Sleeping with lights on 
  • Exercising
  • Soccer
  • Video gaming
  • Debating
  • Shopping


  • Biting her lip
  • running hands through her hair
  •  Sleeping in class
  • Zoning out
  • Never looking people in the eyes
  • fear of being judged
  • fear of awkward situations
  • fear of being forgotten
  • fear of the dark
  • fear of spiders 
ulzzang - Ne Rou
pictures: T h e  N e  R o u   

style: When in school she wears the obvious uniform (whether it is the one in the picture or your own choice). However, when out  with friends, she gets a little more showy and comfortable usually dawning a skirt paired with a nice clean-ironed blouse, and an accessory being a scarf or a beanie. She is almost always seen wearing converse--they are her favorite shoe brand in the world--or the beige and white wedges her father bought her for her birthday.

height: 5'4"
weight: 110 lbs
dear mom, 
Father | Shin Yoon Je | dead |  the financial stability of the Shin household until death, but after they (Hyesun and her mother) were thrown into financial chaos
Mother | Kim Min Soo | alive | does not work due to severe arthritis, and in worry of her home often neglects Hyesun and is mostly concerned about herself. She was not like this before Shin Yoon Je died.
my best friend;  
Park Min Ah | foe |  16 | OC | materialistic even though her family is in the same situation as Hyesun's, but Min Ah craves attention and is very jealous of how Hyesun's family can make due with no one working, while her father has a job but cares more about his girlfriend. Often spoiled. | Live in the same neighborhood | Hateful; the only person that can anger Hyesun enough to curse or fight.
you joom joom my heart like a rocket; 
love interest: Suho
how you act around each other: Playful but sweet
why he likes you: He's impressed by Hyesun's ability to push through all of her emotional difficulty without having anyone to talk to. He doesn't understand what she's going through, but wants to be there to help. He admires the way that she refuses to give up, even when she realizes that nothing she can do will help.
relationship type: Protective of each other
scene requests? During lunch break, she finds that in her group of 'friends' another girl has replaced her seat because she was having issues at her own lunch table, and Hyesun decides to sit outside on the soccer field to have lunch. Suho sees the whole scene and dceides to accompany her for lunch. She, having never really talked to him before is really stiff during the meal, but is open to conversation and tries to keep things light. This is when they first start befriending the other and enjoying each others' company.
baby goodnight; 
random thoughts?  I'm actually liking this idea. ^^ :D If you have trouble. I'd be happy to help you write out a few ideas for it anytime! Just message me~ I'm online nearly everyday~



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