I'm so annoyed I can't think of a title.

Why are you annoyed you may ask.. 

Simple, today I was lurking around to find a new story to read. While lurking, I came across at least 3 of those so called Idol facts stories. For those of you that don't know, that are stories where 'authors' post facts about their idol. 

I think it's great you love your idol so much that you know every damn little fact about them that there is to know, but this is a fiction site.. The name says it already... 'Fiction'. 

I thought I had seen the stupidest thing on here with those fact stories...

Guess I was wrong, because I came across a 'Kpop fashion blog'.. Come on, if you want to write a blog about kpop fashion, then go register at a site where you can actually make a blog.. Like blogspot or wordpress. Why make a story on a fanfiction site about that? I just don't get it. For those of you that do, please enlighten me.. 

Now don't get me wrong, I am not bashing anyone, I am just a bit annoyed that there seems to be more and more of these random not related to fiction at all stories popping up. 

Ok... My rant is finished, xD


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Hope you don't mind me commenting.

Ugh the 'fact stories' are so freakin annoying >< I mean I don't hate the authors that write them as I do not even know them, but come on! This is a site for fanfics, roleplays, etc not for fact stories, rant fics, gif/macro stories or whatever.

I get so annoyed seeing fact stories that my eye twitches -__-