Kind of Sick But a Few Things Made Me Happy

There seems to be some sort of virus spreading around and giving us cough and colds and runny nose.  Sadly, I caught one at the beginning of the week.  Luckily, it didn't go to the point where I got really sick or something that would make me absent.


First thing that made me happy is that our SME (subject matter expert) understood me when I said I wasn't feeling well but if they really needed someone to render overtime, I asked her to make me the last priority/last in the list.  In the end, she didn't make me render the overtime.  She said this, "You really aren't yourself today because you're not smiling."   I used the time to really rest.   I slept right away when I got home for about 4 hours.  Woke up for 3 hours to eat and have a bit of fun in the internet.  Then there was a blackout, so I went to sleep again until morning.

The day after that, our SME gently patted and rubbed my head.

SME:  How are you feeling now?

Jishu:  Better because you're here.  *cheezy* Hahahaha!!!


Then the other day...

SME:  *shakes my chair* 

Jishu:  *looks at her out of curiosity*

SME:  I'm just disturbing you just for fun. *walks away*


I'm still basically kind of sick all week , but because I had a good rest at the start, I am getting better.  I visit at my mother's friend's wake because she just died. Because I'm feeling a bit unwell, I'm a bit sad that I couldn't concentrate on the mass that was held for her and I couldn't stay long because I had to go back to the car to catch some sleep.


I have a friend (let's call her "G") at work though she is nice, there are still times that I find her annoying and it makes me feel a bit guilty yet touched because something happened that made me cry at night (it's nothing big but I became sensitive about it), so I confided in G and this male guy friend since both of them weren't a part of it. She told me not to worry because she'll be the one to talk to them (other friends) about it.  I was honestly touched by that gesture though I still ended up talking with my other friends about it because I wanted to. Everything is fine between us.  


The thing with G... she says she will attend the practice but ends up not attending because she had issues with transferring apartment/house, landlady and money stuff.  At some point, we were all annoyed by this, but then  G confided in me and I feel guilty again. I didn't bother to talk since she said she understood our point of view, so I simply listened.  She just told me what made her feel angry so that she can get it off her chest because things might get bigger if she talked to the others about it.


Anyway, everything is fine now and she was able to atted to practice yesterday.  I also told her about Matoki and we had a good laugh about it (especially the part when Shishimato read the Internet Explorer's license agreement).  The next day, she woke up a bit late than the usual time.  She went on panic mode and unconsciously said "Matoki!" which made her boyfriend and friends laughed at her (because she slept at her boyfriend's room with some other friends).  She said her boyfriend asked "What's Matoki?" and that's when she realized that she actually said "Matoki" unconsciously in her state of panic XD


The person who currently sits right next to me in the office is a pregnant woman.  She's very feminine, ladylike, quiet, and talks softly.  In fact, it always surprises me when she goes like "Jishu" and starts a conversation  since it's usually me or G who starts a conversation.  Yesterday, I said something like "Ah, it's Saturday anyway and I managed to grab 95% accuracy for the partial grade so I don't care anymore."  and she applauded/clapped her hands at me o_o I was shocked at her cute gesture and she looked genuinely happy for me. BWAHHAHAHAAHAH!!


Since I'm just a probee, we are required only 92% but it's better to practice and make it higher because once we get regularized, we are required 94%.  Glad to say, I've beeen consistent 94% lately and last week, despite being sickly, I actually landed a 95% on the partial grade.  95.22 to be exact so when the total grade comes out, there's a possibility it would be pulled into 94 something~


Onto the less serious and more fun part, I met someone here in aff, caseysusie18, who actually lives in the same city as I am and talks in my dialect XD It has been fun exchanging comments/messages with her in aff.


Then Kironstree made a blog titled "A list of favorite authors and why"  and omigosh~ my name is there *____*   I was currently in a clinic at that time, using the free wifi over there, when I read it.  For the first author, she had a really long explanation as to why she liked the fic.  In the end, my name was at the last.  It had the shortest reason among all of them "Just read all of this"  Then a link to my stories section.  Omigosh.. I really laughed in the clinic and this beautiful girl sitting beside me look at me weirdly I think?  BWAHAAHAHAHHAHAHAHA!!!  I think the old woman from the other side looked at me too but I couldn't be sure because I was just busy laughing XD


Oh and this other friend...

Friend:  Jishu, do you get angry?

Jishu:  I'm just human. Of course, I do.

Friend:  I can't imagine you being angry.

This friend have seen me laughing too much which is probably why she couldn't imagine me being angry. ^^;;


Anyway, I posted up a new HimUp fic "Against Me"  It's just a foreword but I'll update tomorrow ^^


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I have colds too, unnie. And get well soon, okay? Take vitamins and drink a lot of water. Your SME is kinda... idk. I hope those things with G will be better soon. And yes, you are a really great author so just expect your name being posted in some favorite authors list ^^

WOW. Did you just mention me? -hides- Well, I had fun exchanging comments and messages with youtoo >.<
Ahhhh unnie!!!! Stop being so cute :<
I'll die.

Im jealous cause those people make you happy /pouts/ I wanna do that too!
Get well soon my dear friend :)
hae_ki #4
naa koi i.sulti pero nakalimot ko....
*scrolls up and down and stare to remember*

ai o~!
unsa na about sa Matoki?
murag naa pai lain pero nawala xa... kani nalang :) lol lol
I'm sorry you got sick, I hate getting the flu XP. Glad that you meet a lot of nice people^^
Jishu unnie~ get well soon <3 i love youu
HAPPY PEPERO DAY! if i had some i would ship some over to you <3