amigos ~ so nostalgic

amigos x siempre ^-^ its so nostalgic, i remember watch it when im in elementary school XD




Amigos X Siempre

Si te sientes triste
y todo anda mal
debes de ponerte
siempre a pensar

Tu eres la persona
que me ayudara
es nuestro destino
el que nos apoyará
a que tú
y yo
amigos por siempre
encontremos un gran final.

Eres alguien en
quien confiar
vamos juntos vamos ya
buscando la felicidad.

Ven y acercate un poco más
amigos por siempre
hasta el final
luchando por la libertad


Friends Forever

If you feel sad
and all wrong
you should get
always thinking

You are the person
who help me
it is our destiny
that we support
to you
and I
Friends Forever
find a great finish.

You are somebody in
who rely
we go together and
searching for happiness.

Come a little bit closer
Friends Forever
to end
fighting for freedom




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Santiago!! ♥
I was 4 when I listened to this...
That time when Indonesian electronic cinemas are worth watching... T.T

Great to see/listen to it again T____T
wow thanks for sharing this unnie, first time i heard this and love the meaning ^-^