Café L'amour Application || Lee Jin Ju

Hello, My name is Lee Jin Ju




Username: iiBingeul [ at your service, Your Highness ]

Profile Link: Somebody call for me?

Activeness: 9 to 10; inactive on weekends.




Character's Name; 이 진 주 | LEE JIN JU | (Jin-ju; Jinju - alternate spellings)

Any nickname(s)? ; 4D-Queen | her friends call her this because of her ditzy, daydream-like nature

Date Of Birth: December 25th, 1994

Age: 19 yrs. | 20 yrs.

Height: 167.5 cm.

Weight: 57 kg.

Ethnicity: 100% Korean

Place of Birth: Busan, South Korea

Hometown: Seoul, South Korea




Appearance: 장 해 별 | JANG HAE BYEOL

Pictures: Hana | Deul | Set | Neht | Daseot | Yeoseot | Ilgop


Back-Up Appearance:  박혜민| park hye min

Pictures: Uno | Dos | Tres | Quatros | Cinco | Siez | Siete





She's a Daydreamer Jin Ju has always been the dreamy, surreal type of girl that's full of curiousity and rhetorical questions. She spaces out often and zones into fantasy worlds; she's easily amused and it doesn't take much for her to be persuaded/influenced by others. Hence that, she's very naive and childlike, however that does not mean she's entirely pure. Daydreaming has always been a fun habit (a hobby, she says) of hers. She's always been one to dream and think of crazy things to do with her friends. Because of that, she tends to be labeled as the 4D queen, for she's always wondering how things function, and is always questioning her environmental surroundings.

Eight-Year-Old Mentality = Coming from the family she's from, she's always trying to catch her parents' attention, for they often overlook her presence. Due to that, she has developed a very child-like mentality over the years. She's quirky, and fun, and is always looking for adventure. You can find her scouring through storybooks and fairy tales, and you can find her doodling princesses in castles; she's very playful and is jubilant. She's like a ball of light that radiates around the room, lightening up the atmosphere for those around her. Jin Ju is almost never seen frowning, and has almost like a happy virus contagion that she spreads wherever she goes. She'll tend to those she loves carefully and will treasure and cherish them with all her heart, as well.

Obnoxious and Annoying? = We all know Jin Ju is childish and immature for her age. Sure, she daydreams, and she comes up with crazy ideas for the cafe concepts; sometimes, yes, she'll tumble over air, and she'll maybe burn herself with the coffee maker, but it's a part of her nature -- she can't change it. Some people, however, misinterpret her character, and often label her as an annoying brat. Some perceive her to be obnoxious, and accuse of her craving attention, when all she's trying to do is lighten up the mood, which she feels is always too dull. Because of this misconception, she's sometimes misjudged and treated like an actual child, and is sometimes viewed as inferior and looked down upon.



Rich and Fabulous = Her mother was a model that was recognized all over Seoul for her "killer-charisma". Her father's a brain surgeon, highly renowned for his exceptional work. Her elder brother is following his mother's footsteps and approaching the male-modeling career as well, already modeling for a famous fashion website called Aboki. Needless to say, Jin Ju is from a highly capable family. She's got the money coming in; she eats grand dinners; she has a fancy home, fancy cars, fancy lifestyle -- it was the life.

Or Not = Not necessarily was she living in luxury. Her father was hardly home, since he practically lived at the hospital, and her mother was always obsessing over modeling. Jin Ju hardly ever gets the chance to have a "heart-to-heart" with her parents. Her brother is the only exception, but that's what oppa's do: they're there for their younger sisters to protect them and love them regardless of the circumstances. However, the only good thing coming out of her mother's pathetic attempts to compensate for her lost time with Jin Ju was being able to go to the cafe. Cafe L'amour, to be precise. Ever since the first time she's been there, Cafe L'amour became Jin Ju's life; she had her friends there -- the same friends that were the daughters of her mother's friends. They became closely packed, so tightly knit, they were practically sisters.

All She Needs = All Jin Ju ever needed were her friends; they were there for her through ups and downs, and lefts and rights. It was at seven years, when she met this "family" of hers. And it was at that very age where she was so mesmerized by how things functioned in the cafe: from making the coffee, to turning on the lights, to working your way through tables to serve customers. That was when she decided she needed to become the owner of a cafe someday. And since the cafe had always intrigued her, she always explored the place, as it seemed very big at her young age. The interior design was what caught her interest the most. The honey-led wallpaper, the dim orange lighting, the mahagony counters -- Jin Ju definitely wanted to become an architect someday.. maybe even design her own cafe!


1. espresso | Espresso had always been her favorite way to take her coffee; to her it was always strong, and she took it as a symbol of determination and perseverance (which was also what motivated her to get used to the strong, bitter taste)

2. rainy days | Rainy days, to Jin Ju, always makes whatever is around her seem warmer -- whether it be the coffee she's drinking, or the scarf around her neck. The cold of the rain will accentuate the heat within her, and to her, that interests/intrigues her; she think's it's like a passion arising within her.

3. drawing and/or sketching | She has a talent for it, and she knows it. Her expressive and creative mindset allows her to picture things others can't. She uses this to her advantage, as you can see; she draws and sketches in order to improve herself, as she is in hopes of becoming an architect someday.

4. reading fantasy novels | Fantasy authors are the only ones that seem to understand Jin Ju's impressive imagination. Reading fantasies open up her mind and allow her to explore more worlds she has yet to discover.

5. dogs | She's in love with dogs. Their sense of loyalty has never seized to amaze her.

6. clouds/cloud watching | They move in the sky. How can you not like that?

7. fashion | Fashion is a big part of Jin Ju's life, as it's one of the only things she can use to express herself freely, aside from her drawings.


1. sleeping | She hates the fact that sleeping takes away precious time. She still sleeps in order to maintain her health, but she tries to stay away from naps and the like.

2. sour foods | Jin Ju claims sour foods "ruin the taste buds". She doesn't like the stinging feeling she gets when she tastes the sour flavor.

3. being viewed unfairly | She's often underestimated because of her peculiar mind and behaviour. She just gets annoyed because it happens so often; she wishes people would just view her like anyone else, and not treat her differently because she's a bit more eccentric than others.

4. insects | Anything with more than four legs are not on Jin Ju's favorites list. She's horrible with creepy-crawlies; they scare her to no end, and they're just so ugly!

5. sneakers | Unless they're designer sneakers, Jin Ju doesn't like them. They're boring, and they're bland -- they do nothing to allow Jin Ju to express herself coolly.


1. though it's rare, she'll bite her fingernails when she feels upset, or is about to cry.

2. she'll tap her foot constantly when she's feeling impatient.

3. daydreams and zones out when she's in the middle of a boring lecture, long car ride, or doing nothing in particular.. so pretty much all the time.

4. she hums whenever she's feeling excessively happy or giddy.


1. drawing | It's her passion, her practice to master her skill. Plus, she uses it as a pedestal to express herself.

2. fashion design | She does it in her free time. Whenever she can't think of designs for buildings, she thinks of designs for clothes. It's one of her few other passions, as well.

3. running track/cross country | It's a simply past-time activity, so she can stay in shape and maintain her health.

4. travelling | With the money her family has, she takes the opportunity to take trips, whether it be taking flights to foreign countries, or road trips to the country side. It provides Jin Ju with inspiration for her designs, and gives her a sense of reality/freedom once in a while.


1. she's blood type B

2. her favorite food to eat is jjajangmyeon

3. her favorite dog breed is the golden retriever

4. she attends Dankook University, majoring at their College of Art&Design at the Jukjeon campus

5. Jin Ju has a targus piercing on her left ear

6. she's allergic to shrimp

7. double-jointed

8. Jin Ju's a pretty terrible cook (but that doesn't stop her from trying!)

9. she's actually a total er for cliched love stories, and will sometimes be caught reading romance novels





Umma = Lee Ji-hyun || 50 yrs. || retired model/housewife || flamboyant; extravagant; judgmental


Appa = Lee Han || 54 yrs. || brain surgeon || austere; distant; monotonous


Oppa = Lee Chi Hoon || 24 yrs. || male model for Aboki || caring; over-protective; playful



Dongsaeng = Bae Suzy || 19 || student at Dankook University/majors in creative writing || shy; reserved; easily embarrassed


Unnie/The Best Friend = Kim Hyoyeon || 21 || student at Dankook University/majors in law || optimistic; playful; bubbly


Oppa = Lee Taemin || 20 || student at Dankook University/majors in performing arts - delivery boy for chicken fast food joint || childish; bright; kind of feminine; affectionate




Love Interest: Kim Jong-in (Kai) from EXO-K

Occupation: Prodigy Civil Engineer/graduated student from Dankook U

How did you met?

Jin Ju's monthly issue of Architecture Fever (design magazine) had just came, and Jin Ju was mindlessly looking through it, looking for new inspirational designs. The cafe wasn't busy, and she was in charge of the cash register today; she had no customers as of yet, so she decided to just skim through the pages. She skipped passed one page, but something about the picture on that particular page caught her eye, so she flipped back to look at it. Disappointed, what had "caught her eye" was not to her liking at all. It was the new monument building that was recently built for something she didn't care too much about, and needless to say, it didn't interest Jin Ju at all.

The colour was bland, seeing as how it was all silver and grey, with the metallic sense of scheme. It had no curly crazy swirls (which just so happened to be Jin Ju's signature design), and it had no color. It would be too harsh to say it disgusted her, so she just finalized that it wasn't to her liking. And being the obnoxiously blunt person she is, she stares at it for a while, and comments rather loudly: "This building is the dullest, most bland piece of junk I've ever seen!"

And it just so happens that Mr. Kim Jong-in, the mastermind behind the monument building, was waiting for her to finish up so he can place his order... and had heard her comment.


His is it?

Jong-in is the laid back, casual type of guy that misses out on opportunities because he's too lazy to get his sleepy off his chair or bed. He's very easy going and goes with the flow often. However, that changes when he's "in the zone". When he's working on a big project, or in the middle of designing something, he's very concentrated and focused; it's these rare moments where he demands extreme quiet and peace of mind. 

Despite his cool exterior, he hides a shy part of himself deep inside. He's actually a soft romantic who dreams of taking his girl out for a romantic picnic, or going on a cliched date at the amusement park, just so he can win her a stuffed doll or something. But since he's scared to actually admit that, he places on a mysterious, cool facade and acts like "Mr. Simple". The only people that know of this side to him are his two older sisters, his best friends, and his parents.


What does he look like? Yi | Er | San



Back Up Love Interest: Zhang Yixing (Lay) from EXO-M

Occupation: Aspiring Architect/Student at Dankook U

How did you meet? 

As an aspiring architect, Yixing came to Seoul, the motherlands of Asia's most renowned architecture to study the art; he was in the cafe, working on a midterm paper for one of his classes, when he began to get distracted. The essay was so boring, so dull; he began to look around his surroundings, in hopes of finding any muse or inspiration for his paper. Instead, he became more intrigued by the interior design of the cafe, glancing at the elaborate art and patterns lining the interior of the small coffee house.

Jin Ju happened to be his server for that day, as well. Yixing became particularly interested when he saw some blueprints of architectural designs hung on the wall behind the counter; he noted that he had to know who the artist was. So in turn, when Jin Ju came back with his order, he asked her: "Excuse me, but do you know who drew those blueprints?" as he pointed to the wall behind the counter.
Jin Ju blinks, asking him why he would want to know, and in return, he smiles and tells her: "They're magnificent.. I would love to do a collaboration with them sometime."

And that leads Jin Ju to tell him that it was acctually her.


His Personality...How is it?

Yixing is very kind. He's warm-hearted and good-spirited. He is an optimist that always finds the silver lining and is a very determined person. Not only will he persevere to see the end of his dreams and goals, but he's also one to be there for others; he'll work hard to make sure those around him are in comfort and joy, and will always be around to see the light with other people. He's a naturally good sport who's fun to work with and easy to talk to.

However, since he doesn't get mad often, when he does, his temper is out of control; he can't handle it and tends to blow up much more than necessary. This side of him is rare, but is like a tsunami -- unannounced, rare, and terribly frightening. Luckily, though, he's one to know his place. If he ever does go out of place, he'll be the very first to apologize and ask for forgiveness, sometimes even when it's not his fault.


What does he look like? Yi | Er | San




Any questions/comments? 

Omg, I still can't get over how cute this story will be! Anyways, as for the ulzzang models; I don't have a preferred model, so you can choose whoever you want to use. I don't prefer one over the other, HAHA! So just choose whoever you think suits the character more (I'm giving you some freedom, yay! Loljk). ^___^ Does that make sense, OTL.

Same thing for the love interests. I wrote them both equally with a neutral heart, so you can just choose which ever you like better; it doesn't matter to me.

Also if the links aren't working, please let me know and I'll fix it right away! Author-nim, hwaiting!
Oh, and sorry about the cliched scenes and stuff; I'm a total lover of those, HAHAHA!


Any scene requests?
Here's a couple: (just to make it easier for you; please don't misunderstand ;__; You don't even have to use them, huehue, I'm not trying to play Boss here, keke)

As Kai as love interest - since they didn't start off exactly on the "right foot", maybe they have a contest to see who can design a prettier, better structured building. And since they were both students at Dankook U, they use the art and design professors there as judges?

As Lay as love interest - maybe they do start a collaboration together to enter a contest? They could be working on a new piece for the architectural museum, and as a result, they win the contest the mueseum was holding.

In general - Chi Hoon and Jin Ju get into one of their rare fights. It's raining. Jin Ju runs. She's soaked. Love interest comes to her rescue with an umbrella and blanket, when he's walking home and sees her stranded in the park playing by herself on the swingset.


Can you tell me what do I love? You love pie cupcakes!

Can you give me some of it~? Boom | Pow | Boom | Boom | Clap!


Did you have a cupcake spasm, yet, author-nim? MUAHAHAHHAA -- okay, thanks for reading! Annyeong!


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