" Appa! Eomma! ▬ Joon Bae Ki "

" 아빠 엄마아들! "

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{ 내내내내가 누구?

Full name: Joon Bae Ki [ 기 - Korean], Jun Bei Qi [俊北齊 - Chinese]
► Bae/Bei ; taken from the first half of her korean and chinese name, which is used by mainly friends and family.
► Becky ; her offical english and stage name which is mainly used by fans.
► Kiki ; only used by Lu Han and no one else.

Birthday: 21/09/1992 (September 21, 1992)
Age: Korean Age ; 21 | International age ; 20
Gender: Female

Birthplace: Beijing, China
Hometown: Seoul, South Korea
Nationality: Chinese-Korean
Ethnicity: Chinese, Korean


► Chinese (Cantonese) ; fluent
► Korean ; limited at times because she is still learning, but fluent nevertheless
► English ; fluent

{ 차가운 시설 절대 주지마 (인 다 쇼 쇼 쇼)

Stage name: Becky
Stage persona: Cutie Dork [큐티 촌놈|kyuti ui chonnom] ; known for her extremely playful, but dorky actions.
Concept: "y Cute"
Star type: Solo Singer
Sideline jobs: MC, CF model

Debut date: 01/21/2010
Company: Cube Entertainment
Debut performance:

► Song ; Marshmallow

Currently promoting: PEACH
List of songs:

► Marshmallow [2010]
Bubble Pop [2011]
Ice Cream ft. Maboos [2011]
RainDrop [2011]
I Don't Need A Man (Chinese) [2012]
Secret [2012]
► PEACH [2012]


► M!Countdown
► Show! Music Core
► Music Bank

Works/brands featured in:

► A-rishop
► Cherry Koko
► Cherry Spoon
► Kugigirl


► Rumoured to have been in a relationship with Lu Han from EXO-M during trainee days [2010] ; false
► Cheating on Lu Han with another man ; false, but she was dating someone [2011]

News article headlines:

► "Lu Han EXO and Joon Becky = BaeHan Couple 2010?"
► "BaeHan couple claims to be 'just friends'"
► "Media reveals hiding boyfriend! BAEHAN NO MORE!"
► "Becky announces break up: Single to Mingle!"

{ 넌 나의 천사 넌 나의 코버 걸

Ulzzang name: Park BoRam
Links: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8

Back-up ulzzang: Jo So Yeon
Links: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5

Style: Simply, cute and classy. Three keywords in order to describe her style. Mainly anything easily worn without difficulties.

Casual: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6
Airport fashion: 1 | 2 | 3
Formal: 1 | 2 | 3
Homewear: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4
Others: 1 | 2 | 3

Height: 157 cm
Weight: 54 kg

{ 예스 시르 아임 완 옾 아 카인드

Onstage personality:

Becky is known for her very mature, laidback and polite approach around everyone she meets or encounters. Onstage, she is recognized for her bright smile and passion about the way she sees music, and ways of life. She is also quite known for being a very positive character who not only sees the best of the things, but she always has those big moments of encouragment towards those younger and/or older than her. She shows a lot of respect towards people she makes first or after encounters with, and always tries her best to make a good first impression. Sometimes, she is often seen as a very cute, dork (which would be the reason for her persona trait), because she is a bit dorky in some cases. She'll laugh at a lot of things that don't make sense, or make jokes that only she will laugh at. This would be considered, "cute" to some people, but mainly known to be a little dork-ball. This action of dorkiness occurs mostly when she's comfortable around people, and it just happens to brighten up any mood.

Off stage personality

Unlike what was previously described, Bae Ki is only part of that description. Yes, she is dorky and of course very polite to her peers, but off the stage she is quite childish and stubborn, much like a spoiled brat. Although, her passion for music is the same, she's still partly off from her "well-known" personality. Bae Ki acts that way on stage because she knows that fans are watching her, and she's isn't all that confident to show just how much of a silly and childish kid she really is. So, she plays it cool. Acting calm, and laidback, not getting angry or getting too hyper.. just being quiet, and self-aware. Of course, some may think of this as a good thing, to be quiet and knowing your limits on just how much you should be a playful character, but to Bae Ki, she dislikes having to bottle up all her engery just to keep from outbursting into a very hyper-active craze. And, as much as she'd love to show her TRUE SELF now, she can't because she knows that she's already shown a side to herself that must be continued, otherwise, what will the media think when she suddenly turns from a very petite, relaxing girl to a childish, bratty, diva?

Though she is shown to be very hard-working, Bae Ki is absolutely not. She hates work. HAAAATES it. She would much rather sit at home, going on facebook or reading some cliche mangas all day, than having to practice her dances or news songs. Frankly, she's only into this job for both money, fame and singing. Yeup. Money. She loves money. But, not to the extent of willing to do just about ANYTHING for it. No. As long as it involves something she's really into, and if it involves getting paid for a certain amount of cash, than bingo - she's up for any challenge. Bae is also very competitive, and can't handle other people rising to the occasion of beating her in what she does best. If there was one person to ever stand in her way, she'd secretly hate on them for no good reason at all. She wouldn't be one to attack them or anything, no, but she just wouldn't be able to be around them at all. In fact, it's almost like a good thing because, when someone's in her way, she just does what she can to take back what was hers. Other than that, she's also very short-tempered and can't handle things not going the way she plans. If something's going to be done, it should be done HER way.


► Free wi fi
► Anime/manga
► Being cooked food
► Money
► Vita chrysanthemum tea drink

► Surfing the internet
► Accomplishment (AKA: To Win)
► Gossip


► Excersize
► Physical labour
► Labour in general
► Gaining weight
► Kimchi
► Stong perfumes/colognes
► Certain shades of yellow (i.e neon yellow, yellow-yellow, dark yellow)
► Nature (like, camping or walking around forests and stuff.)


► Social media (is that a hobby? i.e twitter, instagram, facebook, tumblr, etc.)
► Journaling ; writing in her diary
► Song composing
► Playing accoustic guitar
► Nail art


► Chews on the end of her tea straws (often because she has this
drink regulary)
► Leaves her clothes on the floor after changing, and doesn't put them away
► Forgets to hangup after a phone call
► Leaves cabinet doors open, and never closes them
► Swears in both english and chinese


► Has a horrible fear of dogs (all shapes and sizes)
► Open waters (oceans, beaches, seas)


► Singing
      - Has a wide vocal range
► Accoustic guitar
      - Plays this instrument often, and is known for playing and singing covers

► Imitating voices
      - Can imitate voices from either singing or dialouge (sometimes plays lines from popular dramas)


► She is left handed, and shows this theory when she signs CD's
► Dyed her hair several times from black, blonde, brown, red and is now returning to her original hair color
► Was a trouble maker during school
       - Doesn't denie this fact, but she mentions that she grew out of the troublesome habit
► Lived in various parts of China with her divorced father
► Is a fan of B.E.G's Gain, and sees her as a rolemodel
► She dreams of her ideal as being a typical prince who could sweep her off her feet
► Is known for being a very chatty

       - When MCing on shows, she tends to intterupt conversations and ask a lot of questions
► Has the same birthday as Chen from EXO-M
► Also recognized to look similar to Eun Ji from T-ara

{ 미워했던 시간까지 난 사랑할 수있겠어


 Bae Ki's father was divorced, and was the type of man to be dating so many woman at different times, in which he and Bae Ki would need to travel various places. At first, it ranged from only areas in China, but eventually moved to Seoul where Bae Ki's father was temporarly seeing someone. While her father was going around being a flirtatious bum, Bae Ki had to take matters into her own hands and take care of herself. At first, her number one priority was within her schoolwork, but due to the lack of partental attention, she began hanging out with the wrong group of friends. But, this issue was quickly cleared up and Bae Ki had started anew. She found herself  drawn to many different genres of music (consiting of korean, chinese and english) and soon aspired into becoming a singer or performer. At the right age she attended an audition for TS Entertainment, failing at first, but was later scouted by an agent from Cube.


► Father | Joon Gi Dong | 43  | Un-empolyed | Alive | Critical, and quite lazy, he's the type to judge one based on apperance and hates to be bothered about the way he runs things. | The two cannot bare a close relationship, and their only reason for being together is because Bae Ki took pity on her father. Although
Bae Ki tries to bring herself and her father closer together, he is too preoccupied in doing other things than to pay any attention to his daughter.
Thus, Bae Ki gave up on getting along with her dad, thus resulting a very distant bonding.

► Mother | Jun Fei Chun | 42 | Journalist | Alive | Similar to Bae Ki's father, Fei Chun is conceited and a bit self-centered. She likes to take charge and will keep things the way she wants. | Since she had divorced Gi Dong while Bae was still young, the two have not remained close. Sometimes, they do plan occasional get togethers,
but Bae's mother always has some sort of reason to, "cancel". Fei Chun knows almost nothing about her daughter, and as much as other moms would
try to keep in touch, Fei is too busy writing deadlines, and frankly, she doesn't bother getting to know her daughter at all.

► Father's current girlfriend | Song Ah Ra | 41 | Florist | Alive Sweet, and caring. She's kind and shows a lot of affection and respect towards others. Acts very motherly. | Bae Ki doesn't dislike Ah Ra as much as the other girls her father has dated. Bae Ki and Ah Ra are closer together than Bae Ki is with her actual
parents. Bae Ki shows a lot of respect towards Ah Ra because Ah Ra does the same and the two can talk easily together. Ah Ra does her best to act
like a mother towards Bae Ki, because she too likes Bae Ki as a daughter very, VERY much.


Off-screen friends:

Childhood friend | Cha Hwa Yun | 20 | University Student | A very mature, and older-sister like character who scolds someone often when needed.| Hwa Yun is the only person who Bae Ki can talk to, talk to (besides Ah Ra of course.) As kids, Bae Ki would often go over to Hwa Yun's place because they were also neighbors. Towards each other they are very playful and usually give off a Sunbae-dongsaeng aura.

Idol friends:

Close Friend | Lu Han | 22 | Lead vocal + lead dance + visual of EXO-M | A playful and very teasing figure who loves to mingle around cute girls. Often seen to be a little obnoxious, but always means well. | To others, they look as if they don't get along, seeing that they are always bickering and fighting, but they're actually very good friends. Lu Han loves to tease Bae Ki a lot, and Bae Ki likes to.. hit Lu Han a lot. But, they maintain a good friendship, which looks almost seems a little flirtaious. Sometimes they speak to each other in Chinese, but not too often. Bae Ki calls Lu Han, "LuLu" and Lu Han calls her, "KiKi".

{ 오빤 강남 스타일

Love interest: Chen
Age: 20
Group: EXO-M

Personality: At first, you'd probably see him as a very sweet and prince-like character who's kind, generous and always thinking of others.. when really, he's an arrogant, narcissist who enjoys showing off. Onstage, he always plays a cool role, where he's kind and always looking out for s, while offstage he shows his true self, always talking about how great he was, and how awesome of an actor he can be. He's the type of person to mess with your head, no matter the person. He just loves the feeling of power. Chen is also very competitive around those who give seem to be a threat to his reputaion. Although, there are occasional times when he's actually careful of what he does, since there are a lot of times when his jokes and actions are a little overboard. He can't help, but feel guilty. But, although he feels sorry for what he did, he'll never be able to bring up the courage to say so. He'll just sit there, and leave you alone, hoping that the whole situation will blow over. He can be quite foolish and stupid and even if he's unable to apologize for whatever he had cause, he knows when to stop and he knows when he should keep his distance.

How they act with you: Around Bae Ki he's extremely teasing and likes to mess with her by acting princely and kind, in which Bae Ki always seems to fall for. He has never encountered a girl so childish, bratty and carefree that he can't seem to decide weither he's taking care of the baby, or his "spouse". On camera, he acts very sweet and loving and messes with Bae Ki's feelings while cameras roll. But, off camera, he always plays pranks and loves watching Bae Ki redden with every cheesy pick-up line he throws. He also strikes her nerves whenever he claims, "You're no different from me", referring to the fact that they're both completely oppisite from what their stage persona's are.

How you behave around them: Bae Ki is at first, amazed by how much of a prince Chen is, and she can't help, but see him as her ideal. But, when she sees the real him, she's implused by his behavior. She remains caucious of how Chen acts towards her, and does her best to avoid situations where she just might happen to fall for Chen. She refuses to act all lovey-dovey and acts extremely annoyed whenever they're off camera (when really, she's in denial of liking him).

Back-up love interest: Lu Han
Age: 22
Group: EXO-M

Personality: Lu Han has a very similar personality to Bae Ki's. He's a very friendly character who's often a little to childish around others. He's very much like a little kid and loves to play silly tricks and games. He's one of those happy-go-lucky type of guys who can't see anything bad about the world, nor is he able to see anything as a danger. He's troublesome sometimes because he can also be too carefree, which gets him into tight situations where he later solves by himself. Lu Han is also very protective over those he cares for, and although he may not be seen as a super-strong or couragous guy, he does his best to show just how much he'll try to keep a loved-one safe. Sometimes his actions can come around to being very stupid, but everyone knows he just means well.

How they act with you: Lu Han is very clingy when it comes to Bae Ki. He teases her a lot because he is easily ammused by her actions. He loves to hang around her because he can be as silly as he wants and Bae Ki wouldn't tell him to tone it down. He really likes her a lot as a friend and always tries to get into things Bae's into. If Bae is going out for coffee, he'll do what he can to go along with her. If she's going to practice, he'll offer to come along even if he's due for a different schedule. He's extremely possesive of her too, and acts like a kid not wanting to share his awesome new toy.

How you behave around them: She often acts annoyed when Lu Han is around because Lu Han is just a tad bit more hyper than she is. This causes her to be a rude little brat who makes fun of Lu Han alllll the time. But, of course, she doesn't really feel annoyed, she just likes to mess with him like he likes to mess with her. By calling each other mean names and such, it's really an odd way of showing affection - but, that's just how Bae Ki does it around Lu Han.

Past relationships:

Kwon Jae Hee | 24 | Photographer | A very sweet, gentle and quiet man who's respectful to everyone in any situation. | The two remain friends and sometimes call each other over the phone when they want to talk. Sometimes, they'll go out for coffee or something, but not often because who knows what other things will spread. | Simply because the two weren't as close as they were in the past, and the many haters for ruining the BAEHAN couple when the relationship was released. The two had trouble seeing each other afterwards, and things got really awkward. | A year and a half

{ 프리즈 비 마이 베이비

Couple/Family name:

► Chen ; Growing Family (Because at first, there's is a bit of tension between the three) | Eldery Couple (Because they act like a very old, bickering couple)
► LuHan ; Baby Family (Because they all act like childrean and babies.) | Shining Couple (Because on camera, they show a lot of smiles)

Couple type:

► Chen ; natural, sweet
► LuHan ; childish, cute

Couple nicknames:

► Chen ; Appa Chen, Yeobo | Bae Ki's ; Eomma, Eomma Bae, Baby
► Luhan ; Papa Luhan, Lulu | Bae Ki's ; Mama Bae, Kiki

Kid: Song Hana
Personality: N/A

Type of relationship for the kid:

Bae Ki ; She acts very cutely, and clingy towards Bae Ki because she sees her as an actual mom. Although Bae Ki is a little bit awkard and uneasy around Hana, Hana makes it a little bit easier for her by always sticking around. Hana shows a lot of favourtism towards Bae Ki, even those Bae Ki hardly tries anything. Maybe because she wants Bae Ki's attention most, since Bae Ki is sometimes trying to be casted into the shadows. Bae Ki doesn't believe she'll be a very good mom, but Hana says otherwise..

Chen ; Around Chen, Hana seems to always cry, or seem very angered. She's very fussy when it comes to Chen, and the many reasons for this is because Chen won't leave her alone. Chen, at first, thinks taking care of Hana would be easy because he claims to be very good with kids, but when Hana decides to favor Bae Ki more, he can't help, but try to win Hana's heart. Hana, of course, ignores Chen often and when he tries to call her over, she'll scurry away and cling to Bae Ki. Although Hana wants attention, she pretty much wants attention from those who aren't giving it to her.

Lu Han ; Same as above (?)

{ 안녕 내 사랑사랑사랑

Ideas you’d like included: Uuuuh.. Bae Ki and Hana are very similar in ways, thus creating a very mother-daughter bond? xD;;
Who would you like to appear in the future: Maybe, some random apperance from Jae Hee? (ex-boyfriend)
Comments: asdfhgdsdfhg-- THANKYOUFORWAITING. I'M SORRY FOR ASKING FOR AN EXTENTION. ;orz Also, was it okay for me to write (SAME AS ABOVE) for Lu Han's part there? Because, I think either way, Lu Han and Chen would act the same towards Hana, and.. yeah. Idon'tknow. ALSO, for one of Bae Ki's songs, I chose "I DON'T NEED A MAN", chinese version, but I'm not sure if it was okay for me to put it there because it was sung by a group.. Perhaps I could say it was a collaboration? But, then again, I don't know. My goal was to find a song that suited Bae Ki's voice (mixture of IU's and HyunA's..), that was in Chinese, but I couldn't find any. ashfygvkasuf- BUT, ANYWAYS. THANK YOU VERY MUCH FOR WAITING AGAIN. IF I NEED TO EDIT ANYTHING, PLEASE PM ME! And I'll fix it right away.. Phew.
Anything I’ve missed: Nope. ;orz


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