The Troubles of Owning a Graphics Shop


Well, only if you have a staff.

It's hard to maintain a staff, especially during this part of the year where everyone's busy with school and stuff.

Everyone quits, and everyone says goodbye, and then you're left alone.

And then you want to go hire a new set.

But again, everyone is busy busy busy.


It makes me wonder if I should just go solo, or if I should only have a staff of two or three people.




Maybe I should only have a staff of four. Me including three others.


It's super hard managing a staff of so many people. OTL.


That is, if anyone even bothers to join.


Is there anyone out there interested? Or should I fly by with a few idiots beside me? Or should I just go on a solo idiot journey?


I'm planning on having the application up in a couple weeks.


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I used to think having staff was easier, but it's so hard from what I observed from others. So when I got the chance to open up my own graphics shop, I flew solo XD
I don't hire people, because yeah , it's hella hard maintaining a big group . So I ususally go solo , or last my last shop , I had three designers (:
I went solo a loooooong time ago :P

me! I'd be more than happy to be one of your staff,
Yeah. You should keep it down to less than four. Fly with idiots beside you. It'll be harder to manage if you go on a solo idiot journey.
So yeah.
If you do have a staff, I would suggest just keeping it down to one or two reliable, friendly people that you like and don't drive you up the wall, because running a shop solo can be quite a task, especially now when you're 'busy, busy, busy', but at the same time, having an entire army of people seems like quite the mission as well and just really stressful.
Can i be a staff? i'm not that busy =w=
LightWind #8
Just go solo and have batches :p its easier that way. Some of my old staffs NEVERR reply yo my msgs hahaah
Me? I can if I am not busy.
I feel you bro. trying to get new people and then others quit and then other join and you have to re type the staff page and list of designers on the request form. All because of school. Goddamn school.

I actually thought about going solo too but....i don't think I could manage the mission alone lol.

In the's still all school's fault =__=
sayonaracrawl #11
I have a solo shop and a shop with 15 designers ._. Yeah its hard. I like being solo but i get too lazy xDD
das why you gotta fly solo B|
/youth rolls away