In addition to Kris' birthday

A round of applause for

For raising such a wonderful, fine, upright young man as Kris

Babies can be a real pain (literally)

Carrying them for nine months, getting fat,
getting stretch marks, all the cravings,
the mood swings, the countless trips to the restroom

And then there's the whole giving birth to them,
the shooting pains, the pushing, the screaming, the blood

And after they're born,
they have to be watched 24/7,
they have to be fed

They cry non-stop, they puke, they poop, they pee,
they never let you sleep, they never let you rest

They turn into teenagers, they ignore you,
they give you attitude, they talk back, they disobey

It's enough to make anyone give up entirely

But not this woman, not this Mrs. Wu

She stuck by our Kris.

She was his very first fan.

She was the first to love him. 

She got nothing but exhaustion, tired days,
sleepless nights, and stress from her baby
But he was still her greatest treasure

And it's because of her great love
that we have our Kris today.

22 years later.

Mrs. Wu, I've never met you, but you are one courageous woman. Thank you for everything you have done for Kris; for loving him, supporting him, and giving him the strength to go after his dream. And finally, for sharing him with us and allowing us to love him as well.  

Your son inspires me. He's a wonderful role model. He's talented and handsome. He carries himself with humility and never forgets where he came from. He is kind and passionate and deserves everything he has. He's upright and intelligent and loved by so many. He never ceases to amaze me with his talent, his humility, and his grand capacity to be kind. 

You must be very proud of him and his accomplishments.

From the bottom of this fan's heart

Thank you


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Nickerz #1
sweetly beautiful~~!!
:) this is so beautiful!
forever_or_never #3
I completely agree. What a beautiful message!